Flora daughter (2)

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Roselyn always had a talent when it came to art at the age of six years old she would draw anything she saw, and had become a good artist. She would mostly stretch her plants and everything else around her. Right now she in the green house stretch some of her new plants she mostly did it because it made her feel happy and she made draws of the planets growing over time. She enjoyed the girls and hey all seemed nice they were all, year older then her. she was the youngest at the school still being sixteen years old when everyone else was older then her.

Bella " oh there you are Roselyn"

Roselyn " oh hello"

Molly " we are going to red fountain the whole school been invited, the school holding a welcome ceremony"

Roselyn " oh"

Bella " why don't you come and you can meet our brothers they go there"

Roselyn " sure"

Molly " wow you are beautiful at art"

Roselyn " oh thank you I decided to draw my plants drawing has become one of my hobbies"

Bella " now come on let get going we cant be late"

Roselyn " oh coming" Roselyn had dropped her stuff off at the dorm and soon all of alfea had headed off to red fountain.

Ms faragond " oh miss Roselyn I had gotten word from your mother and she had sent over, all the documents that are needed"

Roselyn " oh thank you ms faragond"

Ms faragond " have a fun day girls"

???? " hey jasmine over here"

Bella " Scott"

Scott " hey sis and girls ... wait who are you cutie"

Bella " back off idiot this is my new suite mate Roselyn a nature fairy"

Scott " well hello there Roselyn or can I call you Rosie or rose"

Belle " sorry about him he an idiot and think he all that"

Roselyn " it okay"

Scarlet " oh here comes my brother and others"

??? " het Scarlett oh who are you"

Scott " this is Roselyn there new suite mate and nature fairy"

??? : the name is brad"

Scarlett " you all our embarrassing us"

???? " hey I'm Nathan but my friends call me Nate"

Ally " this is my brother Nate who the only one acting respectful"

???? " so the new girl some nature fairy that sound weak ... oww that hurt Molly"

Molly "this is Ryder and I'm sorry for his rude attitude"

Ryder " sorry"

???? " Ryder I thought we talked about your attitude towards others"

Molly " dad oh hey this is my suite mate Roselyn"

Roselyn " hello"

Riven " hey"

???? " hey riven did you find the kids ... oh hey kids"

Bella " oh dad this is Roselyn the nature fairy I was talking about"

Roselyn " hello" the specialist were looking at the girl and soon at helia who was more shocked, and now they know what their wives were talking about thus girl looked and sounded like flora. None of them knew flora was pregnant not even her old ex boyfriend.

Bella " come on the show about to start let find some seat and guys please not flirting with Roselyn"

Scott " fine we will be good for now"

Molly " hey rose you seem good around guys then I thought do you have any other male friends"

Roselyn " oh yes I do you might see them they attend a school around here, and they might show up at the dorm"

Scarlett " super I cant wait to meet them"

With the specialist

Helia " she looks like flora she cant be flora daughter right"

Riven " dude clam down everything will be okay"

Timmy " well if you look at it right it has been sixteen years right so she could be your daughter maybe"

Bradon " not helping Timmy"

Timmy " sorry"

Sky " we will have the boys and girls keep a close eyes on her once we explain everything, and if it truth maybe she had lead us to flora"

Helia " I hope so"

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