They save you from danger again

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You are now running in the woods away from wild troll and seemed to have in mind to kill you, you had accidentally kick a small stone which hit the trio leading to why you are running for you life now. When you had tipped on rock which ended up breaking you legs.

????? " hey buddy leave her alone" you sook looked up and saw you boyfriends were there, you try to get up but it was to hard. Soon Timmy and tench came to your side and help you back onto your feet, you saw the rest of your boyfriend trying to take down the troll.

Sky " Timmy and tech get her out of here and somewhere safe"

Timmy and tech " sure" tech and Timmy take you somewhere safe and soon all three of you are out, of the woods with some magic you are able to heal you leg but you still had some pain.

Timmy " how are you feeling sweetie"

Y/n ' I'm okay the pain will go away in a few days or a week"

Teach " the guys will be here soon they are just dealing with the troll"

Y/n " okay thank you for coming to my rescue again it starting to become a whole thing"

Timmy " hey if we can keep you safe no matter what it okay if it become a thing" Timmy gives you a kiss on the right check making you blush and smile at him and tech. Soon enough the rest of the guys show up with a few cuts and some dirty on them, you asked them if they were okay but they didn't care about themselves they allow cared about you.

Sky " baby we are okay we just want to know if you are okay"

Y/n " I'm okay loves"

Riven " hey we are becoming your knights in shining armor more and more"

Y/n " I love at idea"

Helia " now come one lets get you home"

Y/n " okay" the guys had taken you back to your dorm and stayed the night with you, their reasoning was because they were scared of leaving you alone if something happens to you. So you did allow them to stay the night because you knew if you didn't, they will never drop it and you never hear the end of it.

Winx club one shot  (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now