Getting back together with them

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You had gotten a divorce from your husbands a few years ago but you still had children with your ex's, so you still saw them again and again when it came to events for your kids. You are walking about red fountain trying to find your sons and avoiding your ex's.

James " mom"

Y/n " hello sweetie"

James " you are finally here"

Y/n " I won't miss see you boys for the world"

James " come on let go see the rest" you followed James to see the rest of your sons, but you didn't see the boys the faces your saw were of your ex's.

Riven " hey y/n wow you have changed ....."

Max " what riven means is your look great"

Y/n " thank you your guys look great as well"

Bloo " so how has you life been after the ....."

Y/n " Good what about you all":

Nex " it been okay"

Y/n " okay what the matter why are you all looking so upset"

France " we know we messed up when it comes to our marriage with you and we knew we were in the wrong for many things, but we were wondering if you could trying again with you and be a happy family"

Y/n " okay answer this question did the kids put you boys up to this idea or do you real mean it, you want to try again"

Stello " no we real do mean it we still love you and when we told the boys about it they were happy, they really didn't like any of your ex's you have been dating"

Y/n " I had a feeling when the boys states coming up with ways to get rid of my ex's, but they were already done with shh they said they hated the boys"

Sky " so will give us a second try of being your husbands"

Y/n " yes I will love too so when are we going to tell the boys"

Bradon " they have been listening in on the conversation for awhile I think the boys already know"

Boys " yes" you and the guys laughed at your guys sons reaction to the good news everyone was happy,at there was a second chance happing between you and the guys.

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