Chapter 31 - Faye

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Mylo stood behind Faye as she made some notes in her ledger. She turned to him and smirked a little. "Our guests should be here soon. Can you prepare some snacks and bring out the good stuff, it's not everyday Kino Fairington graces our establishment."

"Sure thing boss." She watched him leave the room and took a drag off her joint

and sat back in her chair. She enjoyed her life. Starting out as a street urchin, she quickly rose through the ranks of the guild. At the age of sixteen, she became its most prolific assassin and by eighteen years of age, their youngest leader ever. A position she had held onto for the last seventy-eight years, growing a substantial wealth and amount of power. She used those assets to raise up the town of Ravenwood and the Glades, hire the best spellweavers to put up the barrier, and build one of the most prestigious schools in the lands. The only thing she loved as much as her dark Mistress was her people.

After some time, Mylo opened a special door in her office meant for special arrivals. Kino, Mia, and Hisoka emerged from a portal that was behind the door and Faye motioned them over to the seats as Mylo poured them some drinks and handed them out.

"So I hear you are looking for some of our services." She said politely with a smile.

Kino studied her with cautious eyes and cleared her throat before she spoke, "Yes, my husband. I recently found out that he has been abusing one of my children and it's time for him to go."

"Say no more, don't need the details. You came to me so I venture to guess that it needs to be squeaky clean."

"I offered to do it but they wouldn't let me." Mia said before getting a nudge from Kino to shut up.

"Yes well I bet you would, Daemon has been telling stories about you but she wants a professional not an..." Faye looked at Mia with a snarky grin, "Amateur." The two women began to stare each other down when Kino broke the tension.

"Hyper clean. We can not have this fall back on us at all. My husband is currently out of town."

"Yes, I actually have associates who deal with your husband. He gets his coke from us after all. I think we should discuss payment." Faye said calmly.

Kino looked at her, narrowing her eyes. "First I need to know how this will happen. I need assurance that it will work."

Faye smirked and sat back in her chair. And that's why you are in charge. "Your husband has built up some frequent flier miles with a certain young woman, if you know what I mean. I will take her place, make it with the hanky panky then take care of the job. Security cameras will show the minx in the hotel. All guests have to sign in with the room they are visiting. So it all will show she'll be with him at the time of the accident. Then Mia will be on call, as his personal doctor. I call her from his cellphone since it's most likely in his contacts and tell her I believe he is having a heart attack. Mia will arrive with a medical emergency and 'attempt' to perform CPR while an ambulance arrives. There, she will pronounce him dead at the scene. Then she will switch any DNA results with this." She held up a vile. "The prostitute is one of mine and was willing to help in this. It will look natural and clean. Too much sex, booze, and blow causing his ticker to kick it."

"You said you would be taking her place but with the cameras and eye witnesses will say otherwise." Worry and hesitation filled Kino's voice. Faye smirked once more and her appearance physically changed before their eyes to look like the woman that would be doing the deed.

Hisoka finally spoke up, "Faye, Mylo, and Siri are shapeshifters. They can become anyone and blend into anywhere. That's why Faye is partially so effective."

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