chapter 2 - leave

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Lily is showing me around

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Lily is showing me around. She doesn't talk that much, but I think she is trying.
"And here is the school garden, most people..." I look at her. She freezes. Stops talking and walking. I stop too and turn to look at her. "Lily, you were saying something?" "We have to go." She says it in a whisper.
I try to look at her point of view. I don't see anything, weird. "Why do we have to go? I like the garden."Suddenly some guys approach us. Maybe they're friends of Lily's. They look mad though.

"Hey you bitch, why are you here? Shouldn't you be at Mac Donald's?" She looks up and stares the boy standing in the middle in the eyes. She is scared. These are not her friends. I glare at him. "Hey man, what's your problem? Leave her alone." The guy stops staring at Lily to look me in the eyes. He seems surprised, like he just noticed my presence. "I'm Henry, this is Dean and Brent but you probably already knew that since I am quite known here at school." "Actually, no I didn't." An annoying look appears on his face.
"Who are you anyway?" What the hell? "I am her friend, dumbass." Both Henry and Lily's eyes widen. "Excuse me?!" I quickly wink at Lily. She whispers, "I can handle this on my own. Leave. Me. Alone."
I look at her and manage to make eye contact before she pushes me away.

They are talking. No, arguing. She is talking back. "Bloody hell can't you just leave me alone this once?! DO NOT DRAG THAT BOY INTO THIS." "I can do whatever the hell I want, ANNOYING BITCH!" I need to step in. Shall I? "Stop, leave her!", I tell him. He takes a step closer, I do too. The school bell rings. "You're lucky, get out of here.", he says. We walk back to the school building. "I'm sorry for saying I was your friend earlier. I was trying to help, I swear." She looks up from the ground. "It's okay, I'm used to them." She smiles, trying to cover up her feelings. Does she think she is good at hiding how she feels? When we reach the building she makes eye contact with me. "I am going to class, I'll see you around." "Yeah. Bye!"
Before she walks away I take one more look into her empty eyes.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༺♡༻ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

Lily and I take math class together. I see her sitting in the back. She is sitting with her head down on the table. Is she sleeping? She's wearing a black hoodie and baggy jeans. Without realizing I stare at her. It's like she senses me and looks up directly into my eyes. I shiver and quickly look back at the front. This class is the worst. If only mr. Wilson didn't talk so slow. Out of boredom I look around the classroom. Some girls looking at their phone probably texting with each other, people whispering. Most annoying thing of all has to be Brent and Dean.

Brent Jones and Dean Hall, also known as the minions of Henry. I may be new here but I can see when people are the assholes of the class, probably dumb as well because they do not take anything serious.

The school bell rings and people jog - practically run - out of the classroom. While others are packing their stuff to go home I go to the garden outside and see Lily sitting on a bench. Everyone else is already going home. After hesitation I go and sit next to her.

"Hey Lily about today, I could've helped you, you know?"
She looks at me like she did in the classroom, a deep stare. "I can handle Henry on my own, you didn't need to say we were friends. I don't want him and his friends to pick on you too."
"Can we...?" Confusion pops in her face.
"Be friends? What I am saying is... I would love to be your friend."
Silence. Ouch, please let her say she wants to be friends with me. "I uhm... I guess we can be friends." She smiles, weakly. "Fantastic, here is my number!" I grab her phone and write my number down. "Save it to call or text me, whenever." I say with a huge smile on my face.
She nods "Oh, okay. I got to go now, bye."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༺♡༻ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

It's 6 PM and I sit at my desk doing science homework. I know Lily is really good at science, I've seen her. I am pretty sure she gets high grades in general. Ah shit I am stuck on question 21 and I can't text her because she hasn't even texted or called me yet.

Okay, I have to be patient...

"RYAN BAKER, WAKE UP!" My mum storms into my room. She scares the shit out of me. I think I just had a mental heart attack. "Clean your room right now, it's a total mess." "That's why you woke me?' She glares at me. 'Son, next time I come into your room, for your sake, it must be squeaky clean." "Yes mum.' I roll my eyes, ugh.

I stand up and start to grab some clothes while I see my phone still laying on my desk. I pick it up and- wait... YES!
Unknown number: Hey Ryan, sorry my phone died. It's Lily btw.
I drop my clothes and do a little happy dance. I save her number.
Me: Hey! I thought you totally skipped me 💀
Lily: We just became friends and you already think so little of me? Wow actually wow.
Me: So you are actually a comedian after all?
Lily: I might be who knows?👀
I grin.
Me: I am going to clean my room now, see you tomorrow at school?
Lily: Yeah alright :)

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༺♡༻ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I sit on my bed, actually this is totally a my dear diary moment.
"Dear diary, Lily is—"
Okay no no no. I am not doing this.

I clear my throat.
"Dear diary, Lily is beautiful."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ༺♡༻ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

author's note
Thank you so much for reading this and also for the many views on my last video!
School started but I will try to start working on chapter 3 soon ;)

TikTok is @idkhannah17

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