Food Facts

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Hi! So for today's fact, we'll be looking at foods - not the fast food ones - but the ones that grows in nature. Do you know that their are foods that holds a specific meaning that reveals God's glory in creation? I'll be sharing what I mean with 5 different foods.

1. Carrots - When you slice or cut a carrot, it looks just like the human eye, and the circle in the sliced carrot that you can see resembles that of a pupil. Studies shows that vitamin A in carrots improves eye function - which carrots are naturally good for your eyes.

2. Walnuts - Is it really a coincidence that the inside of a walnut is shaped like the human brain? The nut itself have folds and divided halves, resembling our brain. Surprisingly walnuts helps brain grow and function, as well as with memory and concentration.

3. Gingers - My mother always made me tea with ginger whenever I get stomach issues. You probably have tried ginger before for stomach problems, and it works great to clean out the bad stuff out of your system. But have it ever crossed your mind that ginger is in the shape of a stomach? Ginger was used for centuries to cure stomach aches and is still used to this day.

4. Beans - Beans are similar to the shape and sometimes the color of human kidneys (aka; kidney beans) and can actually help prevent kidney diseases. Kidney beans are one of the healthiest types of beans to use as a protein source.

5. Tomatoes - Just like our heart, a tomato surprisingly have four chambers, as well as the color red, resembling the color of the heart and the job it does to pump blood, which is also red. Research shows that the nutrition in tomatoes is important for heart and blood health. Rich in lycopene; an antioxidant that is good for the heart and effective against certain cancers.

These are only a few foods that I have shared that reveals God's supreme knowledge - that even the foods that grows shows his design, and his finger prints everywhere in nature that easily goes right over our heads. God have given us fruit and every thing that grows for us to eat, and is healthy and beneficial for us. Not only for us, but also for all living things as well.

Also, I couldn't help myself to share this one last bit of fact to squeeze in here.

Lungs and trees also looks similar (well, very much the same)

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Lungs and trees also looks similar (well, very much the same). Without trees, there would be no oxygen, and without us (or really anything that can breath) there would be no carbon for trees to - in a way - breathe. God gave us the breath of life, and if you're a believer, take a deep breath, and then thank God for the air that you just breathed and the things we often take fore granted of.  Have a blessed day! 🤍

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