Alphabet Boy

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"Eat your vegies darling" he said. She gave him death stare. He always talked to her like she was some baby. "I'm not a little kid anymore" she thought to her self. So why did he still treat her like one? "You are not my daddy and I'm not your dolly!" she yelled. "Do not raise your voice at me little girl" he said in a stern voice. "Fuck you and your abc's alphabet boy". He slapped her, he has had it with her. "Learn to behave, have you forgotten that I'm superior.  Don't think you're in any position to be talking to like that". She knew her abc's now. He didn't need to be treating her like a child because she was growing. "Are you sure you're smarter. I know how to read and write better than you. Fuck you little alphabet boy". And with that she slamed her bowl of broccoli at him. She was very angry at him. "You can do anything you want, you can throw paper airplanes at me and you can crush my candy cane but I swear you will never catch me cry over you!" she yelled as she threw alphabet blocks at him. "I-I'm sorry, please please stop" he said as he covered his face. Some blocks had already left bruises on his face. "I-I'll let you have apples instead of broccoli if you want, just please stop". She held the block in her hand as he cried like a little baby. "Apples aren't always the best apologies, alphabet boy" and then, she crushed his skull with her letter block. Alphabet boy..

Crybaby Tales | by Jasmin (Bl0bjazzy) |Where stories live. Discover now