ch 2| The Photoshoot: Pt. 2

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My eyes and mind were sinking deep in the images when suddenly I heard a soft whisper right behind my left ear, "Do you like what you see, noona?"

"GOSH!" I screamed and dropped my phone onto the floor.

"YAH! PARK JIMIN YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH," My heart was about to jump out of my chest. "Why do you have to be so sneaky?" I faintly hit his chest with my right hand.

"I'm not sneaking around. You didn't see me coming because you were sunk in your phone," answered him, his lips smirked so annoyingly as he looked at me. And again, I tried to be cool and took my phone.

I sighed.

"So, did you like it?" Jimin smirked again, repeating the same question. He stared at me right into my eyes in less than a feet away. I held my breath, I could feel my face was burning. Oh I wished he couldn't see the difference seen on my face.

"Uh, umm... I was just browsing through the social media and all of a sudden I bumped into umm.. That~" I couldn't finish my sentence. And I got even more embarrassed hearing him giggling.

"That what?" He lifted up both of his brows.

"Umm that..."

"That half naked me?" He chuckled.

"That's not even half naked. You just show a glimpse of bare abs." I replied quickly then gasped,"HUH? I MEAN.." I looked down as I realized that I just admitting that I enjoyed gazing into his bare abs. Jimin covered his mouth as he laughed even harder and harder.

"I can show it directly to you right now," Said him with a mysterious grin glued on his lips.

"YAAH! LET ME JUST PUNCH THIS LITTLE BRAT AGAIN," I grunted, lifted up my right hand and attempted to hit his chest again but he managed to grab my hand right before it hit him.

"Noona, it hurts." He sulked with his pouty lips on.

"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes. "I even haven't hit you yet."

"It does hurt, noona" he insisted, "it hurts that knowing you didn't like my newest photos over there" He finally laugh out loud while his hand was still holding my right hand. It was a trap. My head was about to explode and I wished that I could be invisible right now. I tried to shake my hand off of him but i couldn't.

"So how do you think of me, noona?" Oh wow that's third time he asked this damn question.

"Why so curious?"

"Because I need to know about it," he grinned and I could barely seen his eyes.

I took a deep breath until I finally replied, "if I answer your question, would you let my hand go?"

Jimin nodded with a smile gluing on his plump lips.

"Well, that kind of pose can be both good and bad for ARMY." I said.


"The good side is that ARMY can say it was a blessing from god." I said carefully, my left hand was doing the quote sign in the air. Jimin closed his eyes as he smiled ear to ear (which is too cute to be seen)

"And the bad side is?"

"This can send a cardiac arrest to Jimin stan all over the world." I hissed and squinted my eyes toward him. Jimin laughed out loud, he finally let my hand go then he grabbed his stomach with both his hands.

"HAHAHAAHAHAHA NOONA YOU'RE SO FUNNY," he laughed even harder and harder, his eyes even got teary over his laughter. I wished I was just disappeared.

"Jimin, stop it please." I tried to cover his mouth with my both hands.

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