Homey Feelings

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    Tensei was surprised to see someone enter the house with his precious son. He was more surprised to see that Izy was hurt though. His arm had bandages on it and he demanded an explanation from Iida. Iida just shrugged his shoulders though because he didn't know what had happened. Bakugou was able to answer and told the older Iida brother how Izy had gotten injured during the riot that broke out during lunch and how he and another classmate made sure he got the medical attention he needed.

    "Thank you so much for making sure my little bunny was ok." Tensei said, pulling Bakugou into a hug. "You can stay however long you want to."

    Iida was shocked. Sure if Izuku had asked the likelihood of the answer being yes was high. He didn't even get the chance to ask though. Tensei just straight up invited him to stay.

    "Now, do you guys have homework today?" He asked, taking on the father role quickly. Izy nodded. "Then go finish it. If you need help feel free to ask. I always scored higher than your other father." He brag, ruffling Izy's hair.

    "Other father?" Bakugou asked. It was strange to hear about gay parents even in this day and age. Not many openly admit to it.

    "Mr. Aizawa is pretty much his father. He would watch Izy on days when Tensei had to work. By extension he watched me too since I spend more time with Tensei than my own parents."

    "Speaking of which they told me to send you over once you got here. It's about your personal training." Tensei said. Tenya nodded and thanked his brother for relaying the message. Then he bid Izy and Bakugou farewell before leaving to go home.

    "Well let's go finish the reading assignment, and thank you for letting me stay here sir." Bakugou politely bowed, wanting to make a good impression on Tensei.

    "Please just call me Tensei, or Dad. I've always wanted to be called Dad, but due to unavoidable circumstances Izy can't talk to me. Please, call me Dad." He said the last sentence with such finality that Bakugou just agreed to it.

    "Ok then, Dad." The word sounded foreign on his tongue. He hasn't even called his own father Dad since he was six.

    Embarrassed by the exchange Izuku just pulled Bakugou away and to his room so they could do their reading assignment. He couldn't believe that Tensei would just tell Bakugou to call him Dad like that. What did he do to deserve such embarrassment?

    Once in the room Bakugou looked around. It looked like a normal teenager's room. Posters of a few heroes on the wall, action figures in front of books on shelves, a tv and a gaming system, game cases on the tv stand, a soda can on his dresser, clothes scattered around, and his desk absolutely covered in random things. His bed wasn't even made.

    Without a word both decided that they were going to sit in the two bean bag chairs that were in front of the tv. They took out their copies of the history of quirks book that Midnight gave them yesterday. She may not have been teaching today but during Aizawa's morning announcements she had him give them the assignment to read pages five through sixteen. She wanted to get ahead so that if she ever needed a day to just rest she could.

    The room remained silent save for the occasional turn of a page. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence either. Bakugou genuinely liked this. Izy felt like a close friend already, even though he had no idea why, and he knew he didn't need to keep his guard up around him.

    After they both finished reading Izuku pointed to the gaming system in front of them to ask if Bakugou wanted to play. The blond accepted and Izuku had him pick the game while he found the controllers. Last time he played with Tensei they ended up needing to leave because Tensei was called on a mission and Izuku needed to go to Aizawa's for a few days. Both threw the controlers god knows where.

    They played a random zombie game that Bakugou found until Tensei called them out of the room for dinner. Tensei had ended up ordering some shabu-shabu for them to eat. He dished some into actual bowls for them to eat from while asking Bakugou if he was going to stay the night or leave after eating.

    "It would take an hour to get to my house from here. Even if I leave now the place would be locked up for the night unless the guests are still there. So I guess I'll have to stay." Bakugou said with a shrug.

    "Oh that's fine. Then let's watch a movie while we eat. Zu, go pick something."

    Bakugou's brow shot up at the new nickname given to the boy but he quickly shook it off. Maybe he is one of the few people to have a middle name in this country. Or maybe it's just a nickname with no meaning.


    By the time the movie ended Bakugou was half asleep. It was well past his normal bedtime and he had stuffed himself with the shabu-shabu. It had been a while since he's felt this much of a homey feeling. It only furthered his tiredness.

    "Zu, go find him some clothes from my room so I can wash his uniform. I'll get the guest room set up for him." Tensei said quietly as he gathered the dishes to take to the kitchen.

    The black haired boy rushed off to find his friend some clothes. Bakugou tried to keep himself awake, having understood that they were getting things ready so he could sleep somewhere more comfortable.

    After what felt like forever for Bakugou, but was actually just a little over five minutes, he was curled up in a nice bed. Tensei shut off the lights and closed the door so he could sleep in peace. When Bakugou was shut in the room Tensei found Izuku and asked him a question.

    "You usually don't let people in this fast. What makes him different?" He asked, putting the bowls Izuku just washed back in the cabinet they came from.

    "He was a friend from before you found me." Izuku said using sign language. Tensei and Aizawa both knew it and taught it to him. However Tenya never learned since that was his phase where he believed that Izuku was going to just run out on them. None of them understood why he believed that. "He may not recognize me, or even remember me, but I know it's him."

    "Oh. You never told me about him before." Tensei was now even more invested.

    "I didn't want to bring him up much because I'd miss him. I did tell Daddy once."

    Daddy is what Izuku calls Aizawa. Even though Tensei said he wasn't called Dad that wasn't entirely true. He may not be verbally called Dad but Izuku did refer to him as such.

    "Is that so?" Izuku nodded. "Does he realize that Bakugou is the one you told him about?" Izuku shook his head.

    "I've always referred to Bakugou as Kaachan. It's a mash up of his first name and chan." Tensei nodded in understanding.

    "Well I hope you're little friend recognizes you soon. From how he acted during dinner he doesn't seem to get much happiness at his own home. He could do with a little more." He then started to usher Izuku out of the kitchen. "Now off to bed Izuku."


    "Goodnight kid."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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