(modern) When you teach them a dance

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-fails a lot when you teach him

-forgets want move to do next

-messes you the dance and makes you both fall over then go for ice cream

- 14k views the video got


-He's pretty good dancer

- he remembered all the moves

- but forgets what order they are in

-it turned of pretty funny and good

- 99k view the video got


- he's decent at it

- He good at remembering the order of the moves 

- but he can't perform them well

-  the video got a million views due to it being fan girls of Bruce's


- for a rebel he's pretty experience in dancing

- he remembers everything and he does it so well

- the video of you guys dancing got 130k views


- when he said he can't dance he means it 

- you never got to recording the dance so no views


- he didn't wan to do it but was forced

- he looked like he wanted to leave there and then

- the video got 27k views because it was funny and you guys lots of comments about it

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