Part 5

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Another chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this one. The things that happen in this chapter will be similar to what happens in Thor the Dark World, and so there are a couple of spoilers in it. (not a lot)

There are more notes at the end!

Have fun!


''Why is everyone in Asgard so fucking tall?'' Stiles grumbles while running after the guards, Loki and Thor. He seriously feels like a midget in comparison.

He stops when he gets a shooting pain in his side and pants while looking after the godly bastards. They are already a mile away or something like that, and Stiles is in pretty good shape, especially since training with Nat and Clint, but this is just ridiculous!

He starts running again while cursing under his breath when he sees the guards, Thor and Loki, enter some kind of throne room. The doors they have walked through are huge. Stiles seriously thinks that they are as high as a small apartment building. Thankfully because they are this big, they close really slowly. So Stiles is just in time to slip through the crack.

Stiles puts his hands on his knees and pants for a moment, not noticing that he has the attention of everyone in the room.

''Who is t-'' Someone thunders, and Stiles knows they are talking about him.

''Just. A. Moment!'' He snaps out while getting his breath under control.

''You dare-'' A cold booming voice starts, but Stiles is done. He fought Aliens just a couple of days ago. He hasn't had sex in more than a year, and he fucking hates running!

''A. FUCKING. MOMENT!'' He snarls. Silence follows his exclamation, and Stiles knows those kinds of silences. Whenever the pack had a problem with the big bad of the week and Stiles mouthed off to them, these kinds of silences followed. The silences where everybody thought, 'Stiles-you're-an-idiot-and-you-just-pissed-someone-more-powerful-than-you-off-good-job!'

Stiles groans and lifts his head. Loki, of course, looks like Christmas has come early. Thor looks super shocked and like he doesn't know if he should help Stiles or if he should run in the other direction and declare he doesn't know the scrawny human.

Then there are a lot of other people who are either glaring with hatred or gaping at him in awe.

And then there is the furious-looking dude on the throne with an eyepatch.

Because of course there is.

''So, hi-'' He waves at the people gathered, ''-This is probably not the best first impression, but let me tell you, this is not my worst either.'' He tries to grin, but it feels more like a grimace.

''You brought a Midgardian here?!'' The dude on the throne thunders. Almost literally, Stiles felt that yell in his bones.



Thor and Loki both start talking but are immediately interrupted by apparently Odin. Odin slashes his hand through the air while yelling, '' silence !''

The brothers listen and purse their lips together in annoyance. They look a bit like scolded children.

Odin looks around the hall and glares at Stiles again. Stiles decides that now is an excellent moment to keep silent.

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