Part 2

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Hi! A new chapter! There will be a lot happening, but I hope you all like it!



Stiles gets exactly twelve days to wallow and sulk in Lydia's apartment before she has had enough. She doesn't really kick him out, but it was a close thing.

Stiles understands, really, he does, Stiles hadn't left the couch for at least two days in a row, and he kind of forgot when the last time was that he showered and shaved. He looks like a freaking caveman, but the beard is hot. Or at least he likes to think it's hot. Lydia just arches an eyebrow at him every time he scratches it because it does itch like hell.

However, on the twelfth day, she has had enough, and when she comes home from work, she slaps a letter on his chest. He flails a bit before catching himself where he was lying lazily on the couch.

''What's this?'' He asks with narrowed eyes. The letter seems official, and Stiles is bad at official shit. Bending the rules to the max is more his forte, and it's why he's good as a private detective. When he was still with the FBI, it killed him that he needed to wear suits every day, all day long. And don't get him talking about all the rules he needed to follow.

''It's an invitation to a meeting I got for you from Alpha McKenzie.'' She tells him primly with a smirk.

This time Stiles isn't in time to catch himself while he flails off the couch.

''Alpha McKenzie?! Like the head Alpha of New York? Lydia! How the fuck does he know I'm here?'' Stiles gapes from the floor. He can't help it and gets a bit angry. He thought he could count on Lydia to be discreet about him. He knows she has some ties to the New York pack, but he asked her not to tell anyone that he is there.

He doesn't even know if he will stay in New York at all, and the last thing he wants is to deal with werewolves all over again.

''You triggered every fucking ward when you entered the territory, Stiles. He had his emissary follow where you were headed in case you were bad news. When they found out you were living with me, they asked, and I wasn't going to lie.'' She says with a scoff, she walks to the kitchen to get something to drink, and Stiles scrambles after her.

''But, Lyds! There was a reason I didn't want anyone to know I'm here, what- what if news about me reaches BH? I-I-'' He swallows harshly. He's afraid that if Scott or Derek finds out, they will tell the New York pack what kind of bad news Stiles is.

How everything that happened since Scott was bitten was his fault, and how he killed people.

A powerful Alpha like McKenzie will not hesitate to kill him if they think of him as a threat. And even if Stiles is a grieving mess about his dad, heartbroken about Derek, and feeling incredibly betrayed by his once best friend, he doesn't want to die. He feels himself starting to panic, his breaths are getting shallower, and everything around him starts to blur.

A soft, small hand lands on his wrist, and he focuses on the pressure point, breathing in and breathing out. After he has filled his lungs with new air, Lydia's voice filters back in, coaching him through his breathing and trying to calm him down.

''That's it, Stiles, come on, you're safe, I won't betray you, you know that, come on. Breathe in, hold it, and breathe out.'' She murmurs softly. When he is out of his panicked spiral, he looks at her green eyes.

They are full of worry, and his shoulders relax a little. He doesn't want pity, but he knows that Lydia wouldn't pity him.

''Are you with me again?'' She asks softly. He nods and swallows before shaking his head to get rid of the last tendrils of panic. He's glad his magic hasn't reacted, but he thinks that his magic instincts knew he wasn't in danger, only his brain was making connections he didn't like.

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