Part 6

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}}}Warning! Spoilers for Captain America - Winter Soldier!{{{

Okay, you can continue! I didn't copy the entire movie, of course, but there are some things in this chapter that are in the movie.

And this is the longest chapter in this story!! Well, I don't know how long the others are going to be, of course, but this one is pretty long.



Stiles watches warily when he sees Tony flinch after a cabinet has been thrown shut harshly. Next to the shadows under his eyes and the worried glances Steve shoots Tony, it's clear that Stiles isn't the only one who sees that Tony is suffering from PTSD.

Stiles can relate completely, and even if Steve is a super soldier, it's clear that it isn't a strange concept for him either.

Stiles wants to help, but he doesn't know if his help will be appreciated. But he can see that Tony needs something. Two days ago, the asshole had shut himself in his lab for 38 hours, not letting anyone in.

It was clear that Steve also wasn't getting anywhere with the man, and because Nat and Clint had been on a mission, they didn't even know what was happening or even that Steve and Tony were together! Bruce locked himself away in his lab or was at Lydia's place, she wasn't ready to move in just yet with him in the Avengers tower, so she still had her own apartment.

Suddenly Stiles gets an idea, and even if it's a very sneaky move, well, Stiles always has been a bit Slytherin.

''Tony, I need to go to my therapist this afternoon, and I know how you would like to meet a couple of werewolves. Care to join me?'' He asks while still stirring his coffee and scrolling through his phone as nonchalant as possible.

Tony stiffens for a moment, but Stiles can almost feel the giddy excitement coming over the man. ''Werewolves? You're going to the pack today?''

Stiles nods. He had told the Avengers about the pack after the battle of New York just before he had gone to Asgard with Thor and Loki.

And because Rider, the Alpha of New York, and his emissary, Emily, his old boss (when he worked at her bookstore before starting to work for S.H.I.E.L.D.), had demanded from Lydia for Stiles to get in contact with them. They had seen the footage of the battle and had recognized Stiles's magic. They had been worried and wanted to know for sure that Stiles had been okay.

Stiles had been touched, and since his return from Asgard, he had made sure to go to dinner with the pack weekly.

And Stiles wasn't completely lying to Tony, he did have an appointment with Maria this afternoon, but he was planning to take Tony with him to it. He was pretty sure that Tony wouldn't appreciate it, but hopefully, he would see eventually that Stiles only wanted to help.

''Count me in! Can they turn into a real wolf for me? I really want to know if their energy signals change when they change into an animal!'' Tony gushed while Stiles blinked a couple of times.

''They aren't real animals, Tony. Of course, their energy levels won't change,'' Bruce said without looking up from his breakfast.

Tony pouted at the man, ''It could happen! We haven't run any tests! We don't know for sure if-''

''I don't think they can turn into a wolf, for as far as I know, only one family can do so,'' Stiles commented while looking outside.

''Can we speak to them?'' Tony asked, almost bouncing on his feet.

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