A Real Slap to the Face

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The room was filled with the kind of silence that seemed extremely loud on your eardrums. Slowly, I glanced at the staff table again. My Uncle was shooting me a look that said 'Go ahead, we will talk about this afterward.' My heart started to race as I took a step forward. Looking beside me, I remembered the confused Draco.

"I'll explain later..." I whispered and continued to walk to Professor McGonagall, who was sternly staring at me.

Once I reached her she gestured for me to sit on the lonely stool. While I was positioning myself on the seat, she placed the Sorting Hat on my head. Before it even touched my hair, or so it seemed, it yelled out

"Slytherin!" The Slytherin table applauded as I went to take my place next to Draco. As soon as I sat down the talking started up again. Just as I was about to explain the situation to the light haired boy, I heard an inpatient cough from behind me. Turning around, I found myself face to face with my Uncle Severus. He used his index finger to motion for me to follow him.

It felt as though every pair of eyes were on me as we exited the Hall, but in reality, I don't think anyone noticed. He lead me through corridors and hallways until finally he halted at a single door. As he opened it, I noticed it must have been his office.

Inside the room was dark and musty, and it's light seemed to glow green. Around the perimeter were various items on shelves. Walking to the other side of the room, he pointed to a pair of chairs with a desk in between them. I sat down as quickly as I could.

"What was that?" He asked when he took his seat across from me. His voice was cold and angry.

"I- I don't know..." I said in a soft, scared voice.

"I believe you do, Eleanor. Draco was convinced that your name was Black; why is that?" The gaze he used to look upon me felt like he was looking through me.

"I, um... might have told him that." His stare was getting colder by the second.

"And why, may I ask, would you tell him that?" He raised his eyebrows, the exact same way I do.

"I...I don't know, Uncle Severus."  


He hit his fist on the desk, making me jump.

"Lies!" He shouted. "I do not want lies, I want the truth!"

I looked up at him, fear shooting from my eyes.

"I don't-" Pain suddenly shot across my cheek. It took me a moment to realize that my Uncle had just struck me hard across the face. I lifted my hand and touched the place where his hand had just been. It still burned.

Hot tears pricked behind my eyes as I shoot out of my seat. Turning around, I ran out of the room and into one of the various doors across the hall. I found myself in a bathroom. Sobbing, I fell to the floor.

"Glad I'm not the only one.' I heard a high pitched voice behind me. Floating in the air was the ghost of a young girl.

"That will do, Myrtle." Said another, more manly, voice behind me. In the doorway stood Albus Dumbledore himself. The ghost girl, Myrtle, flew into one of the toilets as the headmaster came towards me. He took my hand and lifted me off the floor. On the way up, I caught a glance of myself in a mirror that hung on the wall; a scarlet hand-print was still imprinted on my face.

"What happened between you and your uncle?" He asked, looking me dead in the eyes.

"He- he slapped me." A fresh set of tears were let loose again. He waited for them to recede then continued.

"Why do you think he would do that?" He asked.

"Because he was mad...mad at me."

"For what, do you think?"

"Because I lied to people...about my last name. I was ashamed to be a Snape...I told them my last name was Black." I felt more tears fall down my cheeks.

"And why would you feel that way?" He wiped a couple tears off my face.

"Because," I swallowed, "Because I heard some people talk on the train...they said no one likes my Uncle.

"Eleanor, Severus is despised by many people in this school, however, I trust him completely and enjoy his company. Also, you are not him, he is not you: just because you are related does not mean you act like him. And finally, explain what happened to Mr. Malfoy, who, I hear, is the one you deceived." He smiled and started to walked me to the door. "If you ever need me, I'll always be somewhere in the school... just look for me." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a Chocolate Frog. While opening the door, he handed the candy to me and gestured for me to go through the doorway. Waiting for me on the other side was my Uncle. Working up my courage and thinking about what Dumbledore told me, I said,

"I'm sorry, Uncle Severus." he looked down at me and said in a tone a little warmer than the one he had used in his office,

"I know."

We then started to walk back down the corridor. To my surprise, he put his arm around my shoulders. A small smile broke across my lips. Although his arm was stiff and unsure, if felt like, for the first time, we were actually family.

Eleanor Snape- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now