What Happends in Hogsmeade...

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The next few weeks went pretty well (with the exception of potions) until one Wednesday after dinner. I was full of turkey and shuffling down the hallway to the common room when I saw the familiar over-sized pink bow of Sarah Beth Cumberland bopping a few feet in front of me.

"Sarah Beth!" I called out. She turned around.

"And you are...?" She looked at me with a confused expression.

"Eleanor Snape? We meet at Madam Malkin's?" Her eyes looked glazed over.

"Look, I don't know 'oo you are, but you need to back off." She gave me a fake, girlish smile and pranced off.

I stood staring into space for a few moments until I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw it was Draco.

"Just ignore her." He said. Apparently he saw what had happened. I gave him a smile. "Hey, the Hogsmeade trip is in a couple days, want to go together?"

"Sure," I answered happily.

"Cool. So, lets go to the Common Room." We both turned and walked to the door to the Slytherin Common Room. Slowly, he let his arm wrap around my waist.


"You can not go to Hogsmeade, you have potions to study." My uncle said in his deep, cold voice.

"But, Uncle Severus!" Suddenly, he interrupted me.

"Ah!" He lifted his hand up. "No 'buts' Eleanor, I am your professor and your guardian. You have to listen to me, and I say that you can not go because you need to study."

Defeated, I started to look over my potions book. Little did my Uncle know, I was plotting. Plotting a way to Hogsmeade; plotting a way to Draco.


The day of the Hogsmeade trip came quickly, almost as if it had sneaked up on me. It was five minutes until everyone would leave, so it was time to put my plan into action. Taking the Hogsmeade permission slip and a quill, I carefully forged my uncles name onto the paper.

"Eleanor!" A small voice said. Turning around, I hid the paper behind my back. The voice belonged to a skinny first year whom I had seen before but didn't know the name of. Seeing this, I relaxed a little. "Draco Malfoy is waiting for you downstairs in the Common Room." She said in one breath and then proceeded to turn around and run down the stairs. Gathering my things, I followed her path into the Common Room.

"Ellie! Come on!" He said impatiently as he grabbed my arm and we began to walk forward.

"Draco!" Crabbe and Goyle came out of no where as we approached the line to turn in our permission slips. Draco's grip on my arm loosened and then disappeared altogether. The two boys joined us.

We stood in silence for a moment until another voice broke it.

"Oh! Draco! Crabbe! Goyle!" Pansy pushed me out of the way and got next Draco (a little too close to Draco.). "It's a good thing I found you guys!"

"Um, excuse me? Pansy? I was, you know, kind of standing there." I stuck my head between her and Draco's shoulders.

"Yeah, I know." She flipped a piece of her black bob out of her face. "That's not my problem."

Suddenly, hot anger coursed through my veins. My wits told me to reach for my wand.

"Levicorpu-" I was then interrupted.

"Expelliarmus!" Professor McGonagall shouted, making my wand fly out of my hand. She caught it in her free hand. "That is enough! Now, where are your permission slips?" We all handed them to her. "Eleanor, I thought Professor Snape wasn't going to let you go?" She questioned.

"He changed his mind." I answered instantly.

"Oh, very well then. Go on." She ushered us out the door.

My first trip to Hogsmeade was amazing! First, we went to the Three Broomsticks, where we drank foamy, warm Butterbeer. Then, we went to Honeydukes, where Draco bought a box of every flavor beans for us to share. We explored every store until, finally, it was time to head back to Hogwarts.

Our walk back was quite enjoyable, since it was only Draco and I (because we gave the others the slip). Coldness was creeping over me, and I started to shiver.  

"Here," Draco removed his cloak and wrapped it around me. "Take this." A giggle escaped from my lips.

"You know, my hands are kind of cold too." I winked at him. Understanding the message, he took my hand in his. A smile broke across his face.

Before we knew it, we were back in the Common Room.

"It was fun today." He stated as he turned towards me, taking both my hands in his.

"Yeah, it was." I answered.

"I think I'm going to go to bed."

"Okay, goodni-" before I could get the word out, his lips were on mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist. If felt like one of those moments when the world moved in slow motion. Finally, he broke away.

"Goodnight." He whispered and turned around to go up the stairs to the boy's dorms.

"Hey, you forgot your..." But he was already gone. "cloak."

Thinking about the day, I wrapped the cloak tighter around me, taking in Draco's sent. My heart started to melt. Suddenly, I heard a noise that made my heart harden; a cough. Turning around I saw the tall, pale figure and long greasy hair of my Uncle Severus. I looked up at him, dropping the cloak. The expression on his face was of nothing but pure anger.

Eleanor Snape- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now