Sometimes a Hug is All We Need

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"Eleanor!" Uncle Severus yelled as he went after me down the corridor. I ignored him and continued walking forward. It was late at night, so there were no students in the hallways to witness anything. 

 "Eleanor!" He yelled again. I turned around.

"What?" I stopped walking, but he continued forward until we were face to face.

"Listen, you-Look at me-!" I started to turn my head, but he grabbed my chin and turned it so I had to look at him. "You will not talk to me in that manner." I pulled away from his grip. 

 "I'll do what I want." I shot back.

Suddenly, he flicked his wand and muttered some spell. As it hit me, a feeling of peace overwhelmed me. My eyelids became heavy and I struggled to keep them open. Finally, they closed all together, and I lost my balance. As I fell backwards, I felt my Uncle catch me so I wouldn't hit the hard floor.


 The next thing I remember is waking up in an unfamiliar setting. I closed my eyes again, and listened to the conversation that was going on across the room. 

"And she tried to hit me with the Cruciatus  Curse...I just don't know what I am going to do with her." I heard my Uncle say. 

"I must say, she was taking extreme measures and she was being disrespectful, but I don't think removing her from Hogwarts would accomplish anything. This is about her. Where would she go? Who would care for her?" Albus Dumbledore's voice was strong and clear. 

 "I don't know yet... Maybe you're right... Maybe she should remain at Hogwarts, but something needs to be done." This was the first time I heard my Uncle's voice uncertain. 

"That, I do agree with. I find the punishments you previously set appropriate." Dumbledore walked over to the couch were I was laying. "Okay, Ms. Snape, you can quit pretending that you are still asleep. Sit up." I opened my eyes and did as he said. Now I could see my Uncle's face. It looked much more calm. 

"Eleanor, your behavior this evening was uncalled for," As Dumbledore spoke, I looked down at the floor in shame, "And the punishments your uncle has set for you earlier are still in order. Is there anything you would like to say?" I shook my head no. "What about you Professor Snape? Anything you would like to add?" 

"Your punishment will begin in the morning. I will wait in the Common Room with Mr. Malfoy before breakfast. You will meet us there. Also, I will be keeping your wand until morning." He stood up. "Come on." He gestured for me to follow him. "Let's get you to bed." He led me into the hallway, putting his stiff arm around my shoulders, much like the first time after we had a big fight.  

We walked in silence for a while until I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Uncle Severus?" I looked up at him. 

"Yes?" He asked, looking down at me. 

"I'm sorry... I don't know what came over me... I guess I didn't want to be embarrassed in front of Draco..." Suddenly, his face softened a bit. 

"I have to say, your relationship with Draco does not disappoint me: it actually brings me joy. I favor Draco, he's a good student, but it doesn't excuse you to lie and disrespect me. You need to start telling the truth and learn how to control your temper." During this talk we arrived at our destination; The Slytherin Common Room. 

"I can't help it... I get mad and it's like I'm another person. And then I tell one lie, and I have to keep lying to cover up the first one, and then..." My voice cracked as a tear fell down my cheek...and then another...and another. Before I knew it, a fresh stream of tears were sliding down my face. 

"There's no need to cry. Crying doesn't accomplish anything." Uncle Severus said, wiping a couple tears off my face with his fingertips. He then wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in, hugging me. I followed his lead, wrapping my arms around him. It was in that moment, for the first time, that I felt loved by my Uncle, like whatever would happen to me, he would always be there to reassure me.

Eleanor Snape- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now