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Michael's POV

"Alpha! You can't just leave her standing there" my beta says as we walk away from the stage towards the pack house.
"she knows her way"
"but Alpha..."
"enough Beta, I did not ask for your opinion, Go. Ensure that my mother and the others are ready to leave my pack before sunset" with a disheartened face, Chris leaves while I continue on to my office. Once my office door is locked, I grab a chair and fling it across the room hitting the wall. I feel this boiling rage within me. I need to let it out.  I continue on with my rampage my office furniture is reduced to pieces. This is going to cost me but I don't give a fuck.
Why did she do it? Were things that bad between us that she thought the only solution was to leave me? What happened to the trust? The love?
The unending questions plague my thoughts. Laying across the office floor on my back as I stare at the ceiling breathing heavily.

Kathy's POV

"Kathy. Honey what are you doing still standing there?"
"Mum "I run to my mother wrapping my arms around her needing her warm embrace, I break down sobbing. I have been standing on the stage for over 10 minutes, I don't really know what to do next.
"it's okay honey "
"I messed up Mum. I messed up."
"yes you did, what were you thinking honey?"
" so-rr-y, I thought – I didn't know. I am so sorry"
"it's not me you need to apologize to"
"I know. I know I am just scared. What am I going to say to...him?"
"you can start by saying sorry for being stupid. You will have to figure the rest out on your own. You really hurt him honey"
"I know" I wish I could turn back the hands of time or someone could tell me that this is all just a bad dream. With one last encouragement from my mother I head home to prepare myself for the inevitable confrontation.

Michael's POV
I walk home not wanting to delay it anymore. A part of me hopes that she is home, the other part hopes that she is with her mother yet running away will not solve anything. The smell of meatballs hits me as I open the door, walking to the kitchen I find her adding sauce to the meatballs, spaghetti boils on the side.
"Hi uh dinner will be ready in about 20 minutes" she says nervously
"Kathy. We need to talk" she nods her head as she turns down the gas and follows me out of the kitchen to the living room.
"I am sorry Michael. I am so sorry. I was so stupid I shouldn't have believed that witch, I was so stupid. I am so sorry"
"Wow! Really Kathy!" I say running my fingers through my hair
she looks at me flabbergasted taken aback by my reaction.
"you think that's your biggest mistake. You wanted to break our bond Kathy yet you act like that is nothing to you"
"NO! that's not true, its everything to me. I did everything for you. All I have been to you is a burden. You deserve to be happy, to have a family of your own."
"I am not a fucking child. You are my mate. My equal. You have no right to decide on my behalf what's best for me! You might be older than me but do not treat like a fucking child!"
"I don- I didn't" she says wrapping her arms around herself
"Then why did you do it then? Was my love not enough for you? You wanted to be free from me because let's face it I am the burden not the other way round"
"NO! Michael you don't under...."
"I don't understand." I chuckle "just admit it Kathy, you never wanted me as your mate, you had a mate, you never wanted another mate remember, you wanted to be free from me" Kathy shakes her head as tears stream down her cheeks
"No. that's not true. I LOVE you. Everything I have done, it's because I love you" she takes steps towards me, her hands in front of her trying to reach out to me, I take steps back. I can't.
"You don't love me Kathy. This is NOT LOVE. What you did is not love" Kathy continues to shake her head "I did it all for you it was stupid I know that now. please believe me I wanted you to be happy. the pack..."
"the pack. You are more important to me that the pack I am your mate above everything else. I love you. That is why I didn't care that you were older or that you couldn't have a baby, it never mattered"
"I am so sorry" she cries
"if not for my father, you could have died Kathy. Do you get that? You were going to leave your son?"
"I didn't know"
"that's just it, no one forced you to do this. You went on your own free will with the intention of tearing our family apart. Yes, you might not have known that they were planning on killing you but the fact still remains Kathy. You wanted to break our mate bond"
"I am sorry "she sobs "please please I made a... mistake" I sigh
"I am going to grant you your wish. I want you out of my pack before sunset. "
"NO! Michael!" she pleads
"I am not banishing you from the pack, I am simply giving you the freedom you crave"
It breaks my heart to do this but I need to do this. Sometimes love is not enough. She betrayed my trust. I can't just move on and pretend that what she did was okay.
"I will leave you to pack" turning to walk away she grabs my shirt from behind, I will not turn around to look at her, I will change my decision if I stare into those beautiful brown orbs.
"Please Michael. I am sorry"
"I know" I whisper removing her hand from my shirt I head straight for the door turning into my wolf I run away from the sounds of her wails, running deeper into the woods, my wolf howls in pain at my decision. It is over.

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