🔹Seventeen 🔸

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"Oh my God, you make me so God damn frustrated!" He balled his fists up at his side. "Dude, not that I'm trying to push this onto you or anything, but you can't fuck a guy - enjoy it - and then turn around and say you're not gay." His eyes softened and his features expressed humour. I didn't care. The only thing I was happy about was him not shouting it for the entire school to hear.

I like how you tell me this afterward; I muttered unintelligently, more sarcastically than anything. Just lay off it when we're at school, yeah? He huffed, but nodded. A frown curling his lips. I gave him one last look before turning to leave, but Zhan stopped me with a call of my name. I turned my head back to the question.

"We need to talk about this tonight." I felt my brows knit together, but I agreed all the same. I made my way back over to the rest of the lads, leaving Zhan standing on his own, looking as if he was deep in thought. I don't know what there was to talk about, but I guess I'll soon be finding out.

"Hey," I heard Yu Bin's voice by ear as he nudged me with his shoulder to gain my attention. I acknowledged him, directing my gaze away from Zhan and onto his concerned face.

"Something going on with you two?" He questioned, his brows furrowed.

"What, me and Zhan?" He nodded. "Nah mate, he's just being immature." Yu Bin made an 'O' shape with his mouth before we both walked over to join Li Bowen, Ji Li, Song and Harry, who were standing with a group of girls. One of those being Meng Ziyi.

As we approached, I could hear the conversation they were all having. Li Bowen was the one speaking at the moment. "And so that's why girl-girl action is hot." I widened my eyes as I listened. Wondering how in the hell they got onto that subject. Paranoia itched at the back of my head as I wondered if they knew. Nah, I'm just being stupid. They're guys, it's what they talk about. It's what I talk about - cause I'm a guy, and I'm still into girls...so I must still be straight, right?

"What do you think, Yibo?" I heard a familiar voice pull me out of my thoughts. When I looked up, I found everyone's eyes aimed at me. I fidgeted underneath their stare and ran the question back through my mind. "About girl on girl action?" They all nodded, and I cleared my throat. "Uh, yeah it's cool." I inwardly winced.

'It's cool' Yibo, really? While cringing, I thought to myself. I tried to dive in and save myself. "I mean, you know, it's awkward when you're asked by a girl, haha. But it's hot." I shrugged nonchalantly, but inside I was practically dying from embarrassment.

"I think it's pretty fucking sexy," Zhan's voice bellowed from behind me. I strained my neck to look over my shoulder, seeing him approaching us and stopping in between me and Yu Bin, directly in front of Meng.

"So, if girl-girl action is hot for us guys, is it the same for you girls? You know... with boys." He curled an eyebrow in Meng's direction.

She seemed to blush a dark shade of pink before biting her bottom lip and turning to look back at her friends, who were glancing to and from each other. They were all smiling, except for Xuan who was looking at her younger brother in disbelief. I wished I could just disappear right now. I don't know what he's playing at, but he's going to pay for it later.

I shoved Zhan roughly through the door of my bedroom, slamming it shut behind me. Thankfully, I didn't have to worry about my parents over-hearing me, as they didn't get back from work for another couple of hours. So I let loose with the question Zhan had asked the girls back at school, still fresh in my mind.

"What the fuck was that, Zhan?" I shouted, frustration securely clear in my tone. But Zhan just raised his shoulders to shrug in innocence.

"What was what?"

"You damn well know what. What are you trying to do? Cause if you're just trying to piss me off, then you're doing a great fucking job of it!" My fist was itching to connect with his jaw, and my body begged for the release it would bring for the anger building up inside me. But for some stupid ass reason, I couldn't bring myself to hit him like I usually would have. 

"I was just having a conversation, Yibo," I could tell he was having a mental war, trying to keep his lips from curving up into a playful smile.

"I'm glad you find it funny, Zhan. Really, I am."

"Oh, chill out." He huffed, striding towards me with a slightly amused expression. I stood my ground as he stopped barely an inch away from me, a smirk planted on his lips after he flicked his tongue out to wet them.

"Have you ever heard of personal space, Zhan?"

"Shut up, you love it." His smirk transformed into a grin as his hands found my hips and he started gently pushing me backwards, steering me towards the wall by my door. But I wasn't done being angry with him, although I was finding it a little difficult to remember exactly why I was angry with him. It's like every time his eyes dragged themselves up and down my body, it wiped my brain clean of all coherent thoughts.

He began kissing along my neck as my head lolled back against the wall. "Besides," he whispered across my skin. "Guy on guy action is hot." I heard him chuckle quietly. I kicked my brain into gear and pushed him away from me, where he stumbled back with surprise.

"It's not a joke, Zhan. If they find out that we're..."

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