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Authors note: first up, thank you so much for the reads in the first chapter! again, apologies for the pretty bad writting, im kinda failing english rn. also massive apoligies for taking fcking forever to write this chapter, schools been kinda taking over my life rn as i have exams soon :'). also one last apology, i made a complete arse of the time zones in the first chapter, so just like ignore it pls thanks x this all sounds super negative with all the apologies but i couldn't be more thankful <3 anyways, enjoy!

"You know you can move right? the building isn't going to walk toward you, you know?" Clint commented as he noticed I haven't moved since we got out of the car. 

"Oh shut up," I playfully slap his arm and chuckle at his comment. "It's just... it's so weird to be standing here you know. Like I'm still processing the fact I'm here with you, let alone about to meet the rest of them." 

"Mmm," he hummed. "Well, I promise you the interior is just as fascinating as the exterior if you want to check the inside out. I'm getting cold, are you done?" He starts to lean against a giant statue of I dunno, some artwork thing.

"Clint it's 18 degrees,"



He pauses for a moment. "Well, still sounds cold. And plus, here it's called Fahrenheit here" he shrugs and heads towards the large door, and opens it for us revealing the large foyer. My eyes widen by the sight of the open room , the sunlight shines  through large windows reflecting onto the furniture making the room seem ten times brighter than it already is.

"Holy shit," was the only thing i seemed to be able to say. Well done Leighton, do you want a sticker for that?

"That's not even the best part, c'mon lets go meet everyone." he puts his hands in his pockets and leads me to another room.

And somehow, it was even bigger and brighter than the last one. But the main difference with this one was, there were people actually in it, which kind of shocked me, the back of a couple peoples heads were behind the white couch. 

Why is this even shocking me? It's the fucking compound. Of course there's going to be people.

"Hey guys," Clint says whilst picking up an orange from the fruit bowl, slowly stroking the skin of the fruit with his thumb. No reaction. "I said.. hey guys." he said more loudly, like a demand almost, and he puts the orange back down. All we could hear was a couple of mumbles coming from the other side of the sofa, no ones heads turned around. "Alright, that's it," he picks up the orange again. "Oi!" he yells, and throws the fruit and hits a girls head.

Nice. Headshot. 

"What was that for?" A woman with ginger-ish hair turns around the second the fruit hits the back of her head. 

Which made both me and Clint chuckle a little.

Clint clears his throat and gestures his arm towards me slightly, to make a point that I was here. "Um, guys, hello? Look who's here!" Clint speaks up and we both watch the girls eyes fall wide open as she realizes i was here, which she stands up quickly and paces towards me.

"Oh my god hunny, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there!" she stood tall in front of me grabbing my hand. "I'm Natasha, but just call me Nat, it's what everyone else here calls me." She winks at me.

Not going to lie, smash.

"Oh don't worry about it! I'm Leighton, but you can call me... yeah just stick to that. Sorry my names not interesting." I smiled at her, trying to keep somewhat calm but holy shit i was struggling in the inside.

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