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A/N: hey guys, firstly, thank you for reading this! this is my first fanfiction, so please don't expect god-tier grammar and writing lmao. secondly, I'd just like to remind yall that this does NOT follow the MCU timeline, and also I have played with the ages of the characters too. Clint is now 26 (doesn't have his fam), and tony is a bit younger too. anyways, hope u enjoy <3


"So, you're meeting the avengers tomorrow? Like all of them?" my friend Storm squealed over the speaker of the phone with excitement. I chuckled once more, as this was the 3rd time she had asked.

"Yes, Storm, the past five minutes haven't changed anything!" I replied whilst rubbing my eye as it was getting quite late. I checked the time on my phone, whilst still on the call, and my clock read 1:54 am.

I yawned on the video call, making Storm yawn too. "This means I'm not a psycho." I raised my eyebrow since I had no idea what she was on about. "If someone yawns and you yawn back, it means that you are not a psychopath." She explains herself, and I don't know, I must have had a pretty confused facial expression as she started laughing.

"Yes, I'm sure that is the case,"

"Indeed!" she grinned.

"Alright, I think I'm going to head for the night, it's getting late." I switched my lamp off.

"What? But it's still early? It's only 8 pm!" she pauses. "Oh." We both went silent as the realization floods her mind. "I forgot you now live 4,000 miles away." Her smile starts to melt.

"I miss you already." I tilt my head to the side. "But, hey, I'll call you all the time, and the second I get the chance to see you again, I promise I'll do my best to try to work something out." I tried to make her smile reappear, which worked. 

"Never forget me, ok?"

"S, I've been gone for just under five days and this is already concerning you?" I chuckle. "But to answer your question, no, I will never forget you. You're one of my best friends for a reason!"

"I mean I am pretty damn cool aren't I?" her smile slowly transitioned to a smirk.

"Yes, you are 'pretty damn cool' which is the exact and only reason why I like you." I laughed and she winked in return. 

"I'll leave you to it then, but you message me the second you're about to meet them ok?" 

"I will don't you worry." I gave her a sincere smile over the phone. She wished me good luck for tomorrow once more, followed by her blowing me a kiss. 

I set an alarm for tomorrow and plug in my phone, right beside me on my bedside table. My eyelids were getting heavier by the second and I finally slid them shut. Thoughts of just meeting the avengers are getting my muscles tensed up, which isn't t very helpful when trying to sleep. I mean these people are world-famous and I'm meeting them, actually, I'm STAYING with them too. Well not right away but that's what Clint mentioned. 

I've looked up to Tony Stark ever since I was young, so the fact that I was going to meet basically and my hero had got my blood pumping. I had seen countless videos of him on TV and youtube of him saving thousands of lives. From him flying out of a burning building, to jumping out of a ship from space. And Captain America too, I remember I first saw him on this video called "Star Spangled Man" that I saw on the internet a few years back. I got curious about who this man was, so I did some research on him and learned about his history too.

Don't get me wrong, I had major interests in the other avengers too, especially since the fact that Clint was my cousin, but those two really stood out for me the most. 

After a long time of trying to sleep, I finally manage to doze off.


I had gotten woken up by the blaring sound of my alarm that I had set the night before. After spending 20 minutes of dragging myself out of bed, I quickly jumped in the shower, and i made sure my hair looked really nice for the occasion. i put on a simple  white jumper and light-blue skinny jeans and a pair of converse. i topped off the look with a couple gold necklaces and a few rings too. i checked the time to make sure i wasn't going to be late, and my phone read 9:47, which were good, since i were to meet them at half 10 so i had a little time to spare. 

I left the hotel , checked out at reception and began my hunt to get something to eat for breakfast. Starbucks? Nah, had that enough in the UK. Costa? No chance with that hell of a queue. I wondered up and down different streets and parts of new York, and qfter 10 minutes of searching around, I found myself sipping a coffee in a small coffee house titled, 'Central Perk'.

Now being 10:20 I left for a small wonder again around the city. I was to meet Clint at half past so still a little time to myself. I went for a stroll in Central Park, and I chuckled to myself as I understood the joke from the coffee place from earlier. I sat down down by a bench watching people go up and down the path that met in front of me. Finally I felt my phone buzz , to see an incoming call from a familiar contact.

'Arrow Man 💃' is calling...

"Hey Leighton!"

Hearing Clint's voice come out the speaker made me smile, since it had been a while since we last spoke.

"Hey Clint! How's it going?" I stood up from my bench and started following wherever my footsteps were taking me.

"Not too bad! I've just parked up so I'm here now, but I can't quite see you. Start jumping or do something. So I can try to spot you."

I look at my speaker, confused but yet I obliged. I start jumping on the spot and hope that he sees me.

"Mmm, still nothing. Maybe wave your arms and like I don't know, just help me out here."

"Why don't you just tell me where you are, save me looking like a lunatic?"

"Just do it!"

So there I am, waving my arms in the air, with a bunch of people staring at me in the park. Great, just what I need.

"Dude you look so stupid right now, what are you thinking?" A familiar voice speaks from behind me and I quickly spin around to be faced with Clint.

"I see I fell in another one of your pranks there,'' I pull in for a hug.

"Idiot," He pulls away and we smile at each other. "Cmon, we don't want them waiting too long, cars this way."

So I followed him through the park, and during our car ride we exchange different stories from since the last we had seen each other. I've always been really close with Clint. You could put us both in a room after 5 years of not seeing each other but it'll seem like yesterday to us.


"We're here! You're new home for the next however long." He places his hands on his hips and we both admire the building standing right before our eyes.


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