Returing to the village

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((Hahahaha this will be a time skip to the next morning, this is also a shorter chapter!!!! ))

The next morning light flooded (y/n)'s Seneses as he stired in the mat layed out to sleep on. Yawning as he rubbed his eyes sitting up slowly. "Finally, Sleepy head that was quite the nap!" "Huh? How long was I out?" (Y/n) stood up and adjusted himself as he walk over to volo who was putting out the small camp fire and handed him something to eat. "All morning..., I woke up early and started to clean up camp a little for our trek back to Jubilife, then you stayed asleep for another 3 hours. So I decided to make lunch..., not a big one but one we can eat while heading back to the village. " volo said before pulling his backpack up and on his shoulders. "The only things left to pack would be your belongings so hurry up"

(Y/n) yawned and started to clean up his things. Rolling up his sleeping mat and putting his things away pulling his satchel over his shoulder and letting his Pokémon out,
His team so far was

(Pokémons nickname) - dragonite
blue demon- Shinx
And one tiny Ralts that he had caught the previous day giving them all some sort of food before returning them to the balls all except dragonite and Noctowl.

"You wanna ride back on Noctowl or do you wanna walk?" (Y/n ) asked "should be much faster if we fly"
"Walk" volo said not really keen to the idea of flying on the large owl Pokémon.
"Oh alright, return buddy" he return noctow to its ball and scratched dragonite's head before hoping on its back and following volo who looked at him. "Do people ride there Pokemon like this a lot we're your from?"

"Depending on who you ask, but yes, there not dependent on it but , quite a lot of people use there Pokemon to help get round, figured you'd do the same seeing how Ursaluna and Wyrdeer allow certain people to ride on them." (Y/n) concluded. As volo walked and he and dragonite flown beside him. "Key word Certain people not everyone has luxury of being able to ride the Pokémon like you and Dawn are!" Volo said as they walked the treck back to the village before going off into different directions, (y/n) hopped off dragonite and entered the Galaxy expedition building and volo went off to Arceus knows where.
Entertaining the building (y/n) headed over to The right to captain Cyllene's office and walked up. "Your back, how is the reaserch on your Pokédex coming along?" The woman didn't even glance up as the male handed her his Pokédex, "WELL why don't you see for yourself, completed the entries on both , Ralts , Psyduck, and Carnivine! Along with gaining some knowledge on other speacies such as Paras , toxicroak , a and quite a few others, I did a swell job I suppose! "
Cyllene's eyes gased at him before skimming though the Dex nodding and standing up marking something down as she walked i frount of her desk handing the Pokédex back to (y/n) and putting her hands behind her back looking intimidating as ever. " has seemed you have made a lot of progress in your Pursuit and completing the Pokédex, and in toe it seems you've acquired enough to obtain another star , upping your rank in the Survey corp! I do hope you continue to gather much needed knowledge, now a days work is never done , Dawn was looking for you you should go and find her, if she's not here she's be in the training grounds , now off you go!"

"YES. MA'ME,!" (Y/n ) said giving a playful salute before turning heel and running off twords the training grounds.
"(Y/n) there you are!" "Hey Dawn, what's up!"
Dawn walked over. "Nothing much I was just waiting for you , I herd you quelled the Diamond clans lady of the ridge!" (Y/n) nodded "yeah! I did , but it wasn't easy, got my ass kicked at lest 3 to 4 times before I tried to apply Lady Lilligant'a own strategy agents her! Who knew they used to be fighting types, heh wonder what happened down the line of adaptations changed that part of the evolutionary line!"
"Yeah it's quite interesting I herd everything from Arezu, since she's now working at the hair Stylist!"
"Oh that's nice..she told you everything? "
"Mhm, witch is why I wanted to talk to you! I herd what happened between you and Adaman, and Arezu, tho I wanted to hear it from you since Arezu is kinda know for gossip "

"Yeah what you herd was true after I quelled there lady of the ridge, he embraced me and might of went in to kiss me....that's the just of it you know!" "Oh my!" Dawn said as he laughed "wow he really doesn't waste time dose he!"
"Well that's to be expected from the leader of the daimond clan, I mean they worship the Pokémon of Time , Daialga, everything I've read and studied on this point in history or at lest what is available of this future pointed tbe there leader having a hatred for the slow moving past , and tend to rush more then needed believing that all time was sacred or as one of colleagues from university had said once "
"Oh right! And thePearl clan worships the Pokémon of space!" Dawn added, (y/n) would nod before they both laughed a little. "Yeah both. palkia and dialga, are quite fascinating if I do say so myself, there pictures are found all over in old murals and picture left in all different corners of the world! Tho the most concentration of them are found in Sinnoh,....heh guess why they call it Almighty Sinnoh!"
Both Dawn and (y/n) continued to chat for a bit before Rei interrupted. "Hey You two!" Rei walked up and went beside Dawn.
"Hey Rei!"
"Hey short stack!"
"I'm not short!" Rei glared at (y/n)
"Oh my apologies, your a big boy now I forgot!" (Y/n) snickers and spoke in a teasing tone one usually used by an older siblings when prodding at there younger siblings teasing them.
"Why you-"
"Both of you stop!" Dawn said as they both stopped talking.
"Sorry " the both apologies
"Alright now Rei what's up?"
"Oh right , I was told to come get you , commander wants you both in his office, it seems he has a mission for the both of you!, within the colbot coast!"

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