Whatever You Say Darling

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♧Hacketts Quarry cabins♧(Jake,Nick)

Nick woke up pretty excided, today was supposed to be the day he was gonna make a move.
Meanwhile Jacob was still sleeping, lately,hes been talking about Emma a lot while asleep. But Nick doesnt care. Hes gonna do something special for Abi.
Jacob is finally awake. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After he finished he decided to wear something easy, he puts on black jeans, white shirt and a black hoddie.

♡Hacketts Lodge♡
For todays breakfast everyone had a toust with butter. And a strawberry tea. Chrises kids prepared and served the breakfast. Kaitlyn and Laura were helping out serving too. Jacob, Abi, Nick and Max were sitting together. Jacob somehow knew something was off and wanted to give Abi and Nick space for their thing. He stands up and asks Max for help with something. Then, when Abi and Nick coulnt see them he explained. Max was happy for them, but mostly he was worried for Laura, she got sick.

♡Hacketts Art cabin♡
Abi took some kids from Lauras team. Today they were supposed to draw their favorite councelour, as she was looking at what the kids drew she saw that they mostly drawed Emma, Abi or Dylan. But she was stunned when she saw how the kids draw,they were all super quick and their results were amazing.

♡Hacketts Lodge♡
Kaitlyn and Dylan decided that they were gonna take their teams on the island. To camp there and enjoy it there. As they were packing Kaitlyn went to Mr.H to say good bye but he wasnt in his office. K: what?! I literally saw him going here. She looked around a bit until she saw him talking to Dylan outside.

♡Hacketts Lake♡
Dylan and Kaitlyn were already waiting for the others to bring them some kids from their teams.

♡Hacketts Art Cabin♡
Nick was returning from the lodge after helping Max and Jacob with some stuff. As he was on his way to his cabin he came across a little path with a cabin right at the end. He went to look there and he saw Abigail with some kids, he felt butterflies inside his belly. He is deeply in love with her.

♡Hacketts Island♡
Dylan with Kaitlyn with the kids slowly settled. They played games, talked and as they were talking, this one kid was missing. Dylan started panicking and Kaitlyn tried to calm him down. K:Dylan shut up, dont WORRY ill find him. Kaitlyn slowely dissapeared into the woods of the island.

♡The Island♡
K: Dylan! Over here,i found him. But his leg is broken. What the hell should we do?
D:WHY the hell should i know?
K: I dont know lets just bring him back
D:What about the others?
K:Ill bring him back, you and the others stay here...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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