trying to keep it that way.

8 0 0

"could i get one more drink?"

darcy gave her a big smile and continued to play with broken parts of droid she found under a metal table. The waitress noded and with her head down walked away.

beryl torn her gaze away from waitress and looked back to the woman in front of her.

with a slight smile beryl started talking.

"so what were we talking about?"

kali shrugged and said.

"i forgot."

they both laughted.

"oh i just remembered. about Aidan?"

beryl's smile faded and was replaced by nervous expression on her face. she let out a slight sigh.

"yeahh... about that."

kali looked at her.

"what's wrong."

kali placed a comforting hand on beryl's and her eyes met kali's.

"beryl you know you can tell me anything."

before she spoke, beryl carefully thought through her answer. she didnt wanted kali to pity her but she despretly needed to get her problems out of her chest.

"he stopped sending money on darcy and ziza."

"well. did you contacted him about it?"

beryl's voice changet to an angry whisper. darcy next to her noiticed her mothers voice change and looked at her.

"three times! he didnt responded once!"

kali worried, carefully asked question that bothered her since forever.

"do you think he's-"

"NO. thats impossible. he has spys everywhere and if something happed I would have known it alredy."

beryl defended herself.

"you know he's really risking his life working with unit-"

beryl's finger flew to her mouth.



kali whispered apology. beryl's gaze fell upon her little daughter holding a glass of juice with both of her little hands watching tv above the bar. she knew exacly what kali meant by that but her mind didnt wanted to even think about it being possible.

akward silence felt like a brick wall between the two of them until darcy's voice broke the silence.

"mom, who are they?"

Darcy tugged gently on her mothers sleeve.

they both with kali turned to the door where darcy pointed her finger.

silence filled the whole cantina and now every stare fell upon two people standing in the door. all black clothed looking around.

"kali we need to get out. right now."

she grabbed her daughters hand and stood up to leave.

"beryl no."

kali quickly whispered but they alredy noiticed beryl and pulled their blasters out.

whitin a minute a loud shot filled the silence and beryls eyes widened and slight tears appeared in them. smoke was slowly coming out of the hole in her head as her paralyzed body fell to the ground with loud thud.

darcy's hand let go of her now dead mothers copse and tears fell down her cheeks. but before she was even able to express her pain another shot flew through her chest.

with schocked expression freezed on her face kali watched the whole incident happen. when the two of them started going forward kali snapped out of her transe and slipped under the table.

she pushed herself as far as she could and watched the two guys got closer. she put her hands up her mouth to silent her quick breaths and trembling hands.

×  ×  ×  ×

authors note:

sooo its my first story so i dont really know what to expect from it. but ye i simply wanted to write something like thriller sci fi or something like sherlock holmes yk what i mean. and sorry in advance if theres gonna be a lot of grammar mistakes couse english isnt my first language and im too lazy to translate anything.

my goal is to make it kinda secrective just like detectives yk. slowly revealing every detail.

so ye hope its gonna reach some audiance.

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