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There's so much noise, so many people talking at the same time.

The burning sensation I felt earlier from the coffee, is now a dull heat.

The last thing I remember was riding the car with Mr. Raynard, and him ordering Mr. Bernese to drop me at the hospital.

The hospital! I jolt upright, I'm sitting in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors, and patients.

Seeing how hectic this place is and, and what's written in a large font on the wall, I'm in the Emergency department. My burns were bandaged and covered, my bag was placed at the end of my bed, and judging by the clock on the wall it seems I'd been here for a couple of hours.

What the hell am I doing here? This is such a waste of a hospital bed.

I notice a nurse nearby, her eyes locked with mine but she quickly averts her eyes, pretending to busy herself with checking another patient's medical papers.

"Excuse me?" I called making her jump at being caught.

"I'd like to remove this," I said after getting her attention, pointing to the IV hooked to my other arm.

"Uh... okay, just let me call your doctor first," the nurse said then quickly scurried away.

Some time passes, and the nurse comes back with a doctor in tow.

"Hello sir, how are you feeling?" The doctor greeted me and asked getting right into it, I can't blame him, with how hectic the ER is right now, I'd not be wasting time on chitchat.

"I'm fine, can you remove the IV please, I'd like to leave," I explained.

He sighs, "are you sure about this? We would like to monitor your burns for infections," the doctor said.

"I'm sure," I said extending my hand so he could remove the IV needle.

After he removes it, I finish the discharge papers and leave.

Once out I head to the subway, the subway is practically the only transportation I use, unless I'm accompanying my employer in his car, I use trains because the card scanner doesn't discriminate against my hybrid animal.

I tried buses before, some drivers would refuse to let me get in, and others would simply drive off.

Taxis and car apps don't need an explanation, they see who it is, and they just don't have to think about it twice.

My destination was the office, I need to make up for the time I lost sleeping in the hospital.

And after a good twenty minutes on the train, I arrived at the office building around twenty past six.

Six o'clock is the time your workday ends, I'm not expecting a lot of people to be here, in my previous workplaces, some would even take their work home with them to avoid staying longer in the same space as I.

And just like I assumed, the last woman who was still there quickly grabs her bag and scurried away.

Coming around my cubicle, I notice a pile of folders on my desk, putting my bag on the chair, I sit down and sigh, again not something I wasn't expecting,

I mean I'm not mad at the fact that I have to actually do my job, but I'm kind of anxious about the content of these folders.

Still wanting to be optimistic, I take out my post-it note and my red pen, putting these aside in case I need them, I grab the first file and relax in my swiveling chair.

I had the lunch I made in the morning to have for dinner and the thermal mug with my coffee.

For the next three hours, I went through the folders one by one, criticizing every point or paragraph that was poorly written, some had grammar mistakes, or misspelled words, and some had outdated data, and copyrighted ideas.

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