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Pitch black darkness surrounds me as I lay down on my bed staring at the ceiling, the clock ticking away on the wall, trying to sleep like other normal Human-Hybrids, attempting to fix and adjust my biological clock, but yet again, it's another failed attempt.

Today is my first day at work and I didn't get any ounce of sleep.

I mean What did I expect? Most of the time I'm up through the night and sleeping through the day. With me being a nocturnal owl human-hybrid it's almost impossible to sleep at night.

This isn't the first time. With no hope of falling asleep, I sigh and get up, stopping the alarm clock a while before it went off, I might as well get ready and start my day.

Standing up I spread my wings to stretch them out.

Usually, I don't bother turning the lights on while getting ready, since I'm a nocturnal owl hybrid my eyes can enhance and adjust to the darkness. But since Batricia -the Personal Assistant I'm replacing- advised me to cover my dark circles with makeup, I've watched several ZooTube tutorials on how to color correct and conceal dark spots, making special time for my makeup routine every day.

Once I had breakfast, prepped and packed my own lunch, I finished getting dressed, then checked the content of my bag, put on my sunglasses then left my apartment.

Although it was quite early, wearing sunglasses protects my eyes from the sun and strong electrical lighting, my eyes are already sensitive as it is, and the lack of sleep makes it worse. You never know when you'll face a very bright advertisement, these bright screen Ads can be really blinding.

The sunglasses also covers the dark bags under my eyes when I need them.

I walk to the train station, although it's super early there are people waiting on the platform to get to their destinations.

"She's super hot," I heard someone say a few meters away, another perk of being an owl human-hybrid is the acute hearing, "would definitely mate with her," the person continued to say.

His companion scoffed, "You're way out of her league, an angel-like her wouldn't go for a frog like you."

"And neither for a bloodsucker like you," the frog clapped at his mosquito hybrid companion.

As they moved away from the ad screen, I turn my head around to see who they were talking about, and I can see a commercial for Zootoria Garden playing with one of their lingerie supermodels, Dyveke.

Zootoria Garden is a lingerie, clothing, and beauty brand catered to human-hybrids, they're known for their sexy pieces, and their annual fashion show with supermodels dubbed as angels.

All of Zootoria Garden's supermodels are hot and sexy models, Dyveke was no exception.

I turn my head away from the ad and look ahead as the train approaches the platform, once the train stops, the train doors as well as the barrier doors open, allowing for people to get on and come out from the train.

The barriers were installed after the election of our new human-hybrid president when crime against certain groups of human-hybrid species skyrocketed.

I may fall into one of these groups of species, but human-hybrids are too afraid of the curse of misfortune to do anything about it.

Once inside the train, people move to the carts next door, even those who were already there from the previous train station.

Sometimes I sit by myself, other times I'm accompanied by other Owl human-hybrids, depending on the time or area I'm heading to.

We don't really interact, I mean, after all, we are strangers to each other. still, one time a human-hybrid was about to walk into the cart but turned around and ran away when he saw multiple owl hybrids in one place, then the people after him, some people got in the carts next door, and others refused to use the train at all and stayed behind, waiting for the next train to arrive.

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