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I can hear everything, I can hear the conversation between the employees on this floor, and I can hear the conversation between my new boss and Batricia, I tune everyone out, and focus on those two while doing my second set of tasks for the day.

"What were you thinking?" The Fox hybrid boss whisper-yelled.

Batricia sighed, "Of finding the perfect replacement."

"And he's it?" My boss asked condescendingly.

It's great to know what he thinks of me already, I thought as I typed away on my keyboard.

I can hear some shuffling on Batricia's side before she answered, sounding really tired, "yes, he is."

"How can you be so sure of it? You barely know the man," the Fox hybrid was flabbergasted as he walked back and forth in his office, yup, we can see through the glass, modern interior design.

"Wow," exhaled Batricia through the phone, "didn't think you'd have any prejudices in you," and just like earlier with me, he tried to defend himself after being called out again, but Batricia wasn't having any of it, "you didn't know me either when you hired me, so what makes him any different?" she called him out on his hypocrisy, "I gave you his file, and I told you to read it, then when I brought you his contact to read it before Noir signs it, I asked you," she pauses then she repeated herself, "I asked you whether you read his file or not? What did you say then?" Oh. So he lied to her.

Batricia's boss sighs, "but this is different," he says as he plopped down on his chair.

"I bet Noir didn't think so when he drafted and signed the contract," Batricia said.

The Fox hybrid hisses, "don't bring Noir into this," he warns, "he's different."

"How so?" Batricia argued, "is it because he's your brother people can't be prejudiced towards him? Yet when it's someone else, it's fine?" She asked.

If my doe eyes could get any bigger, my eyeballs would have popped out of their sockets.

"Your brother read his files, he drafted the contract, gave you the chance to correct it, but you didn't," Batricia continued.

"Because I fucking trusted you both!" The boss's voice got higher, making me wince, and making other people on this floor alert.

"What changed, Raynard?" Batricia asked, her voice softer.

"I trusted you both, and you betrayed my trust," Mr. Raynard my boss repeated, "how can you hire someone like him to be my Personal Assistant?" Did he sound hurt? Offended?

Sorry I guess, I rolled my eyes.

"Like him? What is he like Raynard?" Batricia asked Mr. Raynard.

"..." Mr. Raynard didn't answer, only sighed.

"I believe I chose the perfect replacement to be your Assistant," Batricia says, "anyway, you can't fire him, Noir made sure of it in the contract," yeah, I remember the termination fee on the contract, I had to double-check with Batricia about it, if I were to get fired the company will pay me a fee, that was so odd to me, but I guess this Noir didn't trust his brother not to fire me, "it's 90 days, I'm sure you can be professional with him during that period, I mean how bad can it be?" She asked.

"You're not the one who's going to work with him," Mr. Raynard argued, More like whining.

"C'mon, get back to your work, you're already off schedule," Batricia reminded him.

"That's because you're not here," The Fox hybrid whined again.

Is he blaming me? I'm not the one wasting time complaining.

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