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A dragon is trying to hide in the rain. He shakes his claws off as he steps into yet another puddle. His greenish scales are soaked by now. As he walks, mud squelches up from between his talons, bringing a scowl to his face.

This deep into the rainforest trees loom up from all sides, towering over the forest floor. The grunts of monkeys and the caws of toucans and other birds screech through the air. He pushes through the group of ferns in front of him, their wet leaves skating against his face as he walks.

Oh how he hates this rainforest, this lush green paradise, he thought when he left he would never return, but situations change, he thinks and so I have to return, return to this place just once more. These thoughts only help fuel his anger.

The rain is falling harder now, dripping off leaves and turning dirt into mud. No matter where he goes, or how hard he tries he can't ever seem to escape his past. He thought he had succeeded once, with Queen Scarlet, then again with Vulture. He had a life, he had treasure, he had powers others could only dream of.

His anger mounts once more as his thoughts drift to all he has lost. And I lost it all to a few nasty dragonets. He thinks, But I will have my revenge, yes, I will have my revenge because I am not the only one who lost everything to those dragonets. 

His destination is getting close now, His destination, his old home, the place that banished him long ago. Oh, they would be sorry for the suffering they caused him, soon, so very soon they would all be sorry, and he would be long gone, having disappeared into the outer reaches of Pyrrhia without a trace.

He ducks under a branch only to walk directly into a wet fern, dropping his precious cargo in the process. Frantically, he scrabbles through the mud, he can't lose this, it is too important. His panic mounts until finally, his claws panicked claws close around something. He quickly gathers the small leaf package back into his talons, carefully checking to make sure it's all still there.

He can see the rainwing village now, perched in the tree branches and on the ground floor, almost hidden from view. Hundreds of leaf huts, platforms, and hammocks all vying for space throughout the various levels of the rainforest.

The very sight of it brings back unwanted memories. Healers looking at him with pity, saying there is nothing they can do. Dragons whispering as he goes by pointing at his pale green scales. Everyone around him sleeping, him being the only one awake, kept up by the every present pain around his snout. The voice of the queen declaring his banishment A loud toucan caw brings him back to reality. The village in front of him once again. How I hate this rainforest and everyone in it. I can't wait to be gone. He thinks.

No dragons fly from hut to hut, from branch to branch. No dragon would voluntarily go out into this rain. Meaning there is no one to see him when he makes his move. Even the guards that the dragonet queen Glory no doubt posted around the village, invisible because of their camouflage scales, could spot him in this weather.

Besides, his destination is on the edge of the village, a spot unlikely to be closely watched. 

His destination is a large clearing, mostly clear of the various plant life that surrounds it, closing in around its edges, trying to reclaim the clearing as its own. A small leaf roof hangs from the trees, covering it and preventing the worst of the rain from entering, a small respite.

Tables are scattered throughout the clearing, some with small items like wooden bowls stacked on them. Gathered in a pile near the base of a large tree a pile of fruit sits, and beside it is a small pile of packages. Their contents carefully wrapped in leaves or hidden in coconut shells. He carefully ducks under a branch and deposits his cargo in the second pile. With its oak leaf wrapping it is almost invisible among the other packages.

Almost invisible, but by no means powerless. 

As he ducks out of the clearing his face twists into a small smile. If my plan works those dragonets will certainly have their hands full and I will have my revenge. With that thought, he disappears into the trees.

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