Chapter 21

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Nothing truly seemed to change, but in that moment the world seemed to shift, and the sword she held along her back pulsed cold and sharp. It seemed to pass over Moon with little effect, but Turtle nearly stumbled.

"Then let it be known, Phyria has its new king." Darkstalker roared, his voice seeming to stretch into the clouds, far louder than it should, even for a dragon of his immense size.

"His spell, it's already happened," Moon whispered, "We're already too late."

The queens, for their part, seemed genuinely happy for the change. They probably were with all the spells Darkstalker had cast on them.

Rubbing his head, Turtle stumbled slightly, "Wait, why were we doing this again?" he asked, confused, "Darkstalker's our king, we should tell him about this, he's sure to forgive us."

So Darkstalker's new spell, whatever it was, was sure to be super sinister and stuff. But no one was going to be messing with the minds of her friends.

Kinkajou slapped with her tail, and the sword on her back flared painfully cold once again, and Turtle shook his head.

"That was weird..." he said, "Why did I think that?

However, as her scales left his his gaze turned confused once more. Apparently whatever magic that crown had, it was powerful enough that the sword wouldn't entirely break it It was totally an overpowered and totally sinister spell.

"What...?" he asked as Kinkajou dropped her tail over his once again and the word turned cold once again.

"Because a super sinister nightwing is messing with your head. Which is why we need to smash a mellon in his face," Kinkajou told them.

A moment later, Turtle nodded, "But we still don't have a plan, do we? Also, sidenote, it's weird talking to someone I can't see."

"We totally do have a plan, so the first step is obviously to go smash a pineapple in his snout and totally obliterate him, and then we can go and free all the dragons from Darkstalker's spell."

Moon half sighed, half laughed, "While that is a great plan and all, how are we going to 'totally obliterate him?'"

"I told you, by smashing a pineapple in his snout. And we have this awesome ice sword as well. I can sneak up and obliterate him."

With that Kinkajou lept off of the ledge, swooping down towards Darkstlker.

"I don't think we even have a pineapple, do we?" Turtle pointed out, but Kinkajou was already in the air, angling her scales to hide the sword the sword hidden on her back.

"Kinkajou!" Moon called worriedly but stayed where she was. She had a much greater chance of being detected than Kinkajou did in her super secret stealth mode.

She slid through the night on near-silent wings. Rainwings were good at staying undetected, and she was no exception. Even with the venom scars around the edge of her face that could no longer change color, no dragon should have been able to detect her. Should have been able to.

When she was about halfway to Darkstalker and the queens his head snapped down away from the stars. "Who's there?"

Darkstalker was so anoying with his super op magic powers. So time for plan B, which was the same as plan A, but included a super awesome acting session in the place of super secret stealth mode.

She let her scales fade back into the vibrant colors they normally took, and bounded up to Glory.

"Did you see me? I've been trying to improve my camouflage skills with by damaged scales, and who else to practice on but my super best friend."

"Oh, it's you," Darkstalker said, frowning slightly, "I couldn't hear your thoughts so I was worried for a second. I should do something about that skyfire."

Picking up a rock he muttered a spell and it flowed into the shape of a bracelet, which he then mumbled another spell. Kinkajou couldn't quite make out his words, but they were something along the lines of 'I enchant this bracelet to enhance the mind reading of the wearer, so no magic or Skyfire can block it', and then he reached down to slip it onto his wrist.

As the bracelet slipped around his wrist, settling as a ring of silver over his midnight black scales, a startled look passed over his space as he glanced down at her.

"You not under my spell are you..." he said slowly, watching her, more disinterested surprise than anything else.

Totally not a fair spell in Kinkajou's mind. He already had way too much in the way of magic powers, he didn't need even stronger ones. So time for plan C, which was the same as plan B, but skipped the improv part.

She lept towards Darkstalker, drawing her icicle blade and swinging it towards Darkstalker with all her might. It wasn't a good swing, even she could admit that, the amazing Kinkajou wasn't totally perfect after all and the only other weapon she had ever hit someone, who happened to be her super annoying previous venom trainer, with was quite literally a pineapple, and that had mostly been by accident.

But it was quick, and Darkstalker wasn't expecting it, he wouldn't expect her to be able to do anything to him, even after she had been the one to create that super awesome spell that had obliterated him last time, she was totally tired of the spell that made him basically ignore her, it was just annoying.

Darkstalker snorted, not even bothering to dodge the blade, "Kinkajou, do you really think that you can defeat me with an enchanted icicle? You do realize my scales are invulner..."

he broke off as the blade of ice that whistled toward him reached his scales and, as if they weren't enchanted at all, cut through them, letting a single drop of blood fall from his midnight-black scales.

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