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     It all started with a boy and a girl. The normal story, where the guy flirts, while the girl doodles with her hair pateintly waiting for him to fall for her. This story is different. No, this story doesn't happen in any normal way like one should. It's full of bumpy roads, where scars are left and bruises don't always wear off. Here, mistakes will be made, but the mistakes only allow them to flourish. Where things flourish, they'll also perish in the depths of the holes within. For love was never promised to be easy


     "Arabella, they're waiting for you outside right now!" My face burned, it was them. Only them could stir up that much of a fuss in my friend group. "Belle don't stand there like a knot on a log, they're still waiting." Oh, right! I thought, as I managed to take a deep breath, hold on for dear life, and open the door ahead of me.
       Then there they were, standing right in front of me. "Hey." They said, with a smile upon their face. I gave back an embarrassed smile, returning their hey. "Here." They slid a small note into my hand gently, while fixing their glasses back onto their head. "Thanks?" I had replied to the non existent person in front of me, as it had seemed they had already ran off. Maybe they thought I was weird or maybe they were embarrassed?
      My face still a bright red, I entered the door once again. Right before I could take a breath all of my friends continued to crowd around me with millions of questions. "Did he ask you out Belle?" "Did he confess? I bet he did!" "He likes you doesn't he?" "Woohoo, Arabell's no longer single!" "So I have to be single alone now?"
   All the questions and assumptions faded as Eric, walked into the conversation at hand. Eric pushed everyone aside, and sat down to talk to me. Eric was very close with them, now that I think about it. Maybe he could help me out with this, wait shoot I haven't even managed to open up the note yet.
    Eric placed his hand on my shoulder with a firm look. "He's crazy over you Belle." My face lit up. Really? ...


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