Chapter 11

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Here is just a pic of lyric. I'm gonna make him in the following chapter.

As everyone was walking we saw a snake tail sticking out of the grass. I went to look over it but the tail silvered away.
"This seems suspicious." Kaz said.
"Yeah.. I say that we follow it!" I said.
"Okay let's go!" Shira said as she was running. She cleared the grass so we could walk through. I saw a piece of metal and a track and I saw the tail again. I sprinted almost as fast as sonic to catch it. I used my claws to get me faster. I got up to the tail and stuck my claws through it. It yelped and fell to the floor.
"What is wrong with you!" It said.
"Lyric?" I said.
"Jett!" Lyric said making a fist with his metal hand. I chased it through the field when blood was spouting out of his tail. He took pieces of dirt and put it in his tail
"That's discussing!" I said holding my mouth because I was acting I was gonna puke. And the dirt turned into scales.
"Whoa." Kaz ran over.
"You have friends?" He teased. I grabbed my tail and held on to it. It was like my stress ball.
"Stop it you dirty snake!" Alice ran over.
"Well she had none" lyric said still teasing. Smoke came out of my ears and started to shoot lunar out of him.
Everyone looked at lyric and growled.
"I said she has no friends!" Lyric said in a mimicking voice. Shira pulled out some grass and make vines out of it to grab him.
"Yeesh powerful people." Lyric said grinning.
"THEY. ARE. MY. FRIENDS!" I cried.
Everyone still glared. Lyric grabbed the vines from him and threw it away.
"I think your lying." Lyric said.
"Your such an idiot!" Izzy said.
"Pea brain!" Mist said.
"Don't make me make you my prisoner Jett. But I leave the friends." Lyric said.
"Finally you call them friends." I said.
"Then oops." He sassed me.
"Arrg! Your so annoying!" I yelled.
"Say one more word and your going in my prison." Lyric threatened
"Shhhh. That was a word. Come." He said.
"I said COME!" He said.
"NO!" Everyone said this time. He used his enerbeam to pick me up. Every time I moved it electrocuted me. I went to turn my head towards the gang. It let me but it really stung.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I said weakly.
"You let her go this instinct!" Mist yelled.
"No." He said starting to leave. I panicked.
"No!" I yelled in pain. "No!"
"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Everyone yelled. They secretly followed lyric. But lyric found out.
"Go away!" He yelled grabbing the vine that Shira made and putting it on them. Shira used her magic to get out of the vine but it took like 17 minutes. She secretly shot lyric with a grass beam So wherever he went a trail of grass followed him. They smiled at Shira and she winked.
I tried using my lunar to get out but that just made it worse.
'why did I say the word. If I didn't speck, I wouldn't be in this madness' I thought. I went to move. It shocked me. Then I saw the trail of grass. I smiled. 'Shira'. I thought.
"Thank goodness." I said. I think I blew my cover!
"Why are you saying that?" Lyric asked still walking and didn't turn his head.
"Er, I just.. Like this.. Enerbeam?" I said.
"It's real nice isn't it!" He grinned.
'Phew.' I though.

Shira belongs to ShiratheLionhog
Mist belongs to Samurai-Shade25
Alice belongs to Alice_Cooper
Izzy belongs to Izzy_the_vampire_fox
Kaz belongs to justicelaw

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