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Thats what he felt, warmth. Was he not dead or was this death? He couldn't tell, but it was nice, very nice.

He wondered where he was, but he feared that if he opened his eye what he'd see wouldn't be so good, so he opted to keep it closed.

He decided to snuggle up to what ever was making the warmth he felt. It was soft, soft and warm, how nice. It was silent for a couple of moments...

"oh you're still here! i thought i had lost you there for a moment" a new voice said. This new voice sounded sweet, or well, he sounded sounded sweet.

He sounded like a male, around the same age. He had a soft and echoey voice, a calm, sweet, and caring tone was mixed in his voice. He didn't sound like a threat, he was actually very comforting. He felt arms wrap around him, holding him close.

Hesitately, his eye opened. He was still in the room, he was still sitting, he was still bleeding out. He was still alive, or at least something like that. He didn't feel alive, not in the slightest. He felt cold and hungry, his vision was a bit hazy and his body ached as he moved a bit.

"there there, its ok" the voice said, gently petting his head, "you're safe now Geno." His name... Geno. Geno'cide', After Sans, CQ. He almost forgot his own name, but how'd this guy know?- His scarf! It had his name, Geno, stitched into it. That explains that.

"well now," He started to say, "lets get you out of here, you'd be safer away from here..." He said to Geno. A moment later, Geno was picked up and held by him bridal style. Some black blanket or coat or something was wrapped around him, not that Geno minded, it was very comfy. Not long after that, Geno fell asleep again, the sound of footsteps against the wooded floors of the house faded out as he drifted into sweet unconsciousness once again.

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