Chapter 5

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Next we will disuss the command block. The command block is an amazing thing. It can use normal commands on its own and it works by of course redstone. Which is the most manipulatable substance in Minecraft. It activates exactly like a piston being very sensitive to power. But not taking redstone that is running past it, only redstone pointed at it. It does have operator controls. But some commands it will not recognize. most of these are multiplayer commands. The following commands cannot be used in a command block: /ban,/banlist, /ban-ip, /debug, /deop, /kick, /op, /pardon, /pardon-ip, /publish, /save-all, /save-off,/save-on, /stop,and /whitelist  and all of the multiplayer-only commands except /list). Much can be made with command blocks. And I have seen much made with command blocks you can use them to build, spawn, and much else.

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