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When jk said all these yn was just stand there she is in mental tight corner........

Yn: sir you know what even I like the way you take care of me .............but I can't afford to be your wife or girl friend sir.....I'm ss...oor..ry.......(said while crying

Jk thought that yn will accept her.....but it was all opposite.......he just said no to her........

Jk: tell me honestly don't you like me.....even I have seen comfort in your eyes when I'm near you......don't like the way I care you....????
I know that you need some one show love and care you.......let the someone be me yn
Please hear what your hear says.........and don't see the anything other than your hear.......plz yn(crying terribly)

Yn felt her hear broken as she saw jk in that state...............

Yn: (crying) sir please cry because of me .........sir you are a billionaire and myself a poor girl own 3 multi-speciality hospitals,factories and all.....and myself see sir I don't even have a small piece of hand to burry if I die can I say yes to you sir.....

Jk:yn please don't see the status of mine or you.........I didn't love you because your are poor ......I felt you will be a perfect match for my life .......

Yn: sir Please atleast you try to understand me sir.....If I say yes to you then the people around us will say that I'm a gold digger and I married you to capture your wealth......I don't want to get a bad Name.......

Jk was tired while arguing with her

Jk: then finally what is your decision then

Yn: I do t want to be in a relationship with you .........

Jk sighed

Jk: fine ........

Yn: sir please don't take me wrong I ...(before completing her sentence jk signaled her with his hands to stop speaking)

Jk: my driver will drop you at your home ....and thanks for accepting my invitation to have dinner with me( he said and went while sobbing inside the mansion,)

Yn: sir please lis......en( but before that jk entered into the mansion)

Now yn was crying miserably...........due to her her crying became unequal....the suddenly the driver came and called her......

Jk's driver: mam shall we go

Yn suddenly wile her tears and left with him.....

While she was on the way to her home she was fully thinking about how heart broken jk will be after her decision......thinking this a drop of tear rolled down from her eyes......

The driver dropped her at the home and yn hurriedly ran into her home and closed the door and sat near the war cried out loudly.......

As her home was little bit inside the main road and no neighbour homes are very near....they are at a little far away no one can hear her crying sound......

Yn pov

Yn:why only I have to suffer like this......can't I love with my dear loved ones....yes Im in madly love with my kookie......that way he understands me, the way he took care of me, the way he loved everything made me fall in love with him madly......yes I'm in madly love with my kookieeeeee.........(she said these love while shouting)

But I can't even propose him back .........I realised today that how madly I'm in love with him.......I want to live with him till the end of my life .......I want to become the mom of his children.....I want to be his wife and girlfriend.........but I can't. .......(crying loudly)

I'm so.. ..koo...kkie I can't even say this infront of you......I want to feel the love,care,and affection from you.......I want to be in your embrace .......but I can't

If I accepted your proposal then all the people around my neighborhood,in hospital think that I have seduced you for your wealth all the people in the society will blame you......I want to be the reason for your bad name......

I really really really love you .......(she said these and fell on the floor while crying )
Unknowingly she slept on the cold floor itself...

Jk's pov

At Jk's mansion

As soon as he got inside the mansion he went directly into his room and closed the door and locked it with key......

Now jk his crying his hear out....

Jk: why yn don't you love me,am I that bad ...........or are u in love with someone else.......noo If she was in love with someone then she might have told me.......but she was comparing her status with mine.........ahhhh...yn why are you making me mad ..........ahhhhhh

Jk was crying and shouting madly .....the maids in his home heard and tried to talk with him....but they got no response.....sir they decided to call Jimin and V who are in the hospital about him........

At hospital

V: hyung the maid of our home called me and told that jk went inside his room while crying and closed the door and was shouting inside his room......I think something is's better if we go home now......

Jimin: yeah you are right ....come on let's go......

In the way Jimin and V are continuously trying to call him.....but he was not attending the call.......

From jk's behaviour v and Jimin concluded that something bad has happened between jk and yn........

They drive to the home and ran to upstairs and knocked jk's room......but jk was not opening the door......then v bought a spare of his room and saw.......

Hey......don't be scared nothing bad is happed to jk ok.......will se soon in next chapter....

That's all for today......hope you enjoyed u soon.......


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