Will he leave me?

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Then jk took Ruby to the nearby room which is attached to his cabin , where he took yn's vitals......

Ruby: kookie please be  gentle......

Jk:of course my baby........I will be very gentle......now come hug me side ways and close your eyes......

Yn is sitting in the patients chair and watching everything as the door is not closed.......

Jk: baby I'm starting ok....hug me tightly.....

When jk said these Ruby hugged her even more.......yn was now heart broken........

Jk slowly cleaned her injured area with antiseptic lotion....... Ruby was crying hard and trying to stop him......but jk caught her both hands and again started to clean it...........

Jk: ssssh.....done baby .... done....done......calm down.......

Jk said more calming and soothing words to Ruby......yn was  surprised that the words which he said to Ruby, he didn't said that to her for once..........yn felt that her soul left her body........

Jk: baby......my cute bear......just injection is left ......I promise it will be a small pinch ........ moreover a small mosquito bite..........

Ruby: no kookie .....I don't want it......please.....

Jk: no baby as a doctor you know it's importance right........now comeon be my brave lovely girl  and turn around........and no more tantrums......

Jk said these and started preparing a TT shot ..........you know what it hurts a little...........

Jk: oh ..you already turned on your own and slipped down your skirt for your injection....... that's great .......I love you baby ..........thank you for understanding me.........you know some are there who simply used to say tantrums to avoid injection and creating a big scene while getting injected........but you are so I obedient to me.......you are making me fall for you  even more ......,.(kissed her forehead)

Yn heard all these and she clearly knows that jk is saying all these about her.........she even made up her mind that jk is fully hating her and not want to see or feel her presence over him.......She was in her own dream land like what she will do if jk didn't talk to him ......what she will do if he reject  her.............and something like that.......

Jk: shall I start.....?????

Ruby nodded and jk made her hug him and rubbed the disinfectant  on her left butt and slowly injected and Ruby just groaned in pain..........

Jk: (while  pushing the plunger down) very good baby ....you are doing great..........and done......that's all baby.....

He said and kept a cotton on the injected site and rubbed for a minute to reduce her pain........he made her sit and asked her leave the duty  in the hospital and wait for him at his home .........

He then came and sat on the doctors chair and  saw yn is not in her sense......he then bang some files on the table and yn flinched and regained her  sense  after hearing the sound........

Jk: now tell me did you feel any difficulties this week like getting tired.........

Yn,: nodded as no

Jk: (serious tone) will you please open your mouth and answer?

Yn: No

Jk: how about your daily routine like sleep, hunger, thirst........

Yn: normal

Jk: ok....then what you ate for breakfast?.....

Yn just looked down.....jk understood that she didn't eat anything........

Jk: then what about yesterday night dinner,?????

Again she didn't raise her head up......

Jk sighed ........your immunity level is so low ........I'm suggesting you to get a injection.......are u ok with that?????

Yn:  then will you give the injection to me????

Jk: no, I'm busy.....I have appointment with my patients....

Yn: then I'm ok with medicines ........

Jk: here,  go to the pharmacy and get these medicines........

Yn: sir, may I talk to you for a while.......

Jk: what you wanted to talk......there is nothing to talk between us .......

Yn : please sir.......just for 5 minutes.....

Jk:(coldly): your time starts now.....

Yn: can I know who is she?

Jk: it's none of your business..........I gave two golden chances to accept my proposal and you were the one rejected it ........then why are u bothering me now..............

Yn(on the verge of crying): u like her?

Jk: more than anything......

Yn(trying not to cry): thank you sir for spending your precious 5 min with me ........thank you so much and thank you for everything.........

She said and went towards the door and her tears started their work and yn wiped it off.........jk noticed it......and yn went  out.....with the help of the driver she came to their home in U.S.A.

Ruby came in while barging the door.......

Ruby: yah ........I saw her crying........why are you doing this to her.......you like to see your love in pain ......

Jk:what are you saying Ruby........
I myself feeling heart broken to do this to her.....but what to do ....I want herself to say that she loves me........

Ruby: it's enough..........I think she is already sick and now this pain too.......
I'm sure she will cry for the whole day if you didn't console her now......I'm really feeling pity on her.........as a friend I acted like your girlfriend.......but I really can see her pain........so stop everything here and go and console her.........

Jk:by the way I just asked you to act like you are feeling fever or sick......but how did you got injured with iron nail ....

Ruby: I told you na when I was coming to your cabin I just got scratched by the nail near the reception.....

Jk: ooo........was that true....I thought you just created wound to help me.....anyway that would is also just for good....see because of that you needed to take an injection and you acted like becoming more clingy into me and she felt more jealous....

Ruby:yeah everything is ok for you.....but the injection.....it hurts like hell ( rubbing her butt) .........I only know the pain.....

Jk chuckled

Ruby: ok now go and  console her.....

Jk: yeah okk.....I'm leaving.....you please take care of everything here.....I'm going home finally......

Then went to the pharmacy to fetch some medicines , vials,syringes,iv, cotton etc ......and returned home.......

Yn still don't know that the home in which she is staying is jk's home.....

Jk came to the home and asked the workers where yn was and  he went to her room.......there he saw,😯😯😯😯😯

That's all guys.......I hope you liked it


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