eight: rift

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Toshinori woke up to the smell of antiseptic, harsh luminescent lights. And the steady beeping of monitors.

His body ached all over, and he felt more exhausted than he had ever felt in all his years of life.

There was an unfamiliar weight on him, and as he looked down, his eyes softened at the sight of his only daughter clinging to his hand, her nostrils flaring slightly as she inhaled gently.

Toshinori smiled at the sight of his daughter before his face turned cold.

Was Gran Torino okay? Did he finally defeat All for One?

How long had he been out of commission? How much time had he wasted in this hospital bed than be out patrolling and taking down villains?

So many questions were swirling around in his head, but he couldn't focus with all the machines beeping in his room, lulling him back to sleep.


Toshinori woke up alone. The only sounds he could hear were the incessant beating of the monitors and the low volume of the small television playing some random news channel.

He's never been used to visiting hospitals, preferring to take care of his injuries to preserve his identity.

Plus, since he's taken up the mantle of the Symbol of Peace, it's been a while since he's needed an overnight hospital stay, as his immense power overwhelms most villains.

But now he lies in his shitty hospital bed, stomach gone, and respiratory system damaged beyond repair.

It's quite a shock now that he thinks about it. He's spent so much time at the top that Toshinori never thought he'd find himself this hurt. Sure he's faced off against powerful villains, but his bout with All for One took so much from him.

He's critically injured and optimistic that he'll never be the man he once was.

But he doesn't know if he can stop.

For over a decade, he's devoted himself to keeping Japan safe– what would happen to his country if he were to rest? Society would collapse, and he's worked too hard for that to happen.

He doesn't know how long he's been in that room, but he's sure of one thing; he needs to get out quick. The air in that damned hospital room is beginning to overwhelm him, and he needs to get out quick.

At that moment, the door opens, and the tiny healing heroine walks in, her cane hitting the ground with unceremonious clicks. She makes eye contact with him, her steely glare sending chills down his back.

"Before you even ask, Gran Torino is okay. He had some injuries, but nothing compared to your own. He woke up a few hours ago. Sir Nighteye has been caring for (Y/N) while you were out."

Toshinori sighs in relief. He's so thankful that they are alright.

"If it weren't for the fact that you're incredibly injured, I'd smack you with my cane," Recovery Girl continues. She makes her way toward him and checks his vitals. Toshinori at least has the decency to stay silent while she reprimands him.

"You overdid it today. While I think it was incredibly foolish of you to go after him, especially since you had no idea how strong he'd be after the last time you fought him, I thank you for protecting everyone from him. You managed to defeat him with no civilian casualties, but the cost was your entire stomach had to be removed, and there was irreparable damage to your circulatory system. Unfortunately, there wasn't much we could do to repair it, even with my quirk."

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