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Lorian and Wynfrith were the last of the campaign's forces still in the tunnels, but they had found the Demon Prince. The creature was based in a labyrinth of ruins, far from any and all forms of civilization. Whatever the city had been prior to falling must have been incredible given the size and grandeur of what remained.

"Even if you defeat it, how are we going to get back out?" Wynfrith asked from where she sat perched on part of the ruins. She was dripping sweat, as was he; the heat generated by the magma that flowed through the area was unbearable. "It will take too long to get out the way we came from, and who knows how many more tunnels have collapsed since we first passed through them."

Lorian didn't answer. She was right of course. The only reason they could remain in the tunnels with the rest of the knights as long as they had was due to the fact that knights and scouts alike were constantly travelling through the tunnels to maintain a constant supply line. Now that they were gone, however, Lorian and his group were essentially trapped down here, even if victory was assured.

He glanced at her and watched as she swirled the waterskin in her hand, but didn't drink from it. "How much water remains?"

"This waterskin, three more in my pack, the four that Burchwen holds, and however many you have left I suppose." Wynfrith extended it towards him. "Here, you need this more than I do now. You'll be fighting it after all, not me. Unless-"

"No." Lorian cut her off, even as he took the waterskin from her. "If I fail, Lothric still needs to be informed. Regardless of the current exit strategy, you still stand a better chance at being able to return to tell him than I do."

"Send Burchwen. If you won't allow her to be involved in the fight even as the priestess assigned to remain and heal you, then what purpose does she serve? Allow her to be the messenger." Wynfrith wiped her brow absentmindedly as she spoke. "You already forbade her from coming this far. For all Burchwen knows, we may already be dead."

"Lothric gave you the command, did he not?" Lorian asked pointedly before drinking deeply from the waterskin.

"Yes." Wynfrith said and looked away.

"If the news comes from any other he will likely deny it. He has placed his trust entirely in you. Take Burchwen and see if either of you can find an alternate exit. You are correct that if we try to return the way we entered, none of us will be returning at all."

Lorian handed her the waterskin and stood up, taking a moment to straighten his armor. It was hot to the touch, just like everything else in the forsaken ruins. If the Demon Prince didn't kill them, the heat just might.

He placed a hand on Wynfrith's shoulder. "Go."

She stood up and saluted him. "I will find a way out. Good luck." Wynfrith turned to leave before turning back to him, digging around in her bag and pulling out a container. "Take this at least. It will help against the flames. Burchwen gave it to me earlier, but you'll need it more than me."

Lorian took it and walked past her and started heading toward the heart of the ruins where the Demon Prince sat waiting. After everything he had gone through to reach this point he knew it was pointless to believe there could be any sort of surprise attack involved. The Demon Prince clearly knew they were here and was waiting. If it was going to run it would have done so long before they managed to get so close.

It was a good place for a fight. The Demon Prince had decided to make its last stand in the center of what Lorian could only assume used to be a courtyard. There were various pits of magma that seemed to have bubbled up from beneath the stone flooring. At the center of the courtyard was the Demon Prince itself.

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