Practice VII

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After helping Sam fix his suit you take of trying to find Wanda. When Scott had appeared on the roof Wanda had disappeared to God knows where. While walking down the hallway a red butterfly stops you dead in your tracks. It flutters a few feet infront of you begore making a turn and heading down the hallway. Your curiosity gets the better of you and you decide to follow it. 

The red butterfly glides down the hallway until it reaches the elevator and then disintegrates into crimson dust. You press the elevator doors and they almost immediately open, stepping inside you are greeted by FRIDAY's smooth airy voice.

"Which floor Y/N?"

"Whichever floor Wandas on please."

"Of course, that would be the training room."

The training room? Why would Wanda be in the training room? Mabey she was just sharpening her already perfect skills. The ding of the elevator lets you know that you've reached you destination. As the elevator doors open you are once more greeted by the crimson butterfly, it flutters in front of you before making its way to the doors of the main training area. You push open the doors and see Wanda sitting crossed-legged on the floor, her eyes and hands glowing red. 

She smiles at you and holds out her left hand, the butterfly floats over to her hand and crumbles once more into red dust. You just stand there, a confused look plastered on your face. "First the barrier thingy and now the butterfly, you're just full of surprises aren't you Miss Maximoff." You say chuckling as you sit across from her, crossing your legs. "Oh you haven't seen the most of it." Wanda says as she lifts her hands in the air, a crimson dolphin appears infront of her, it starts to swim around her before making it circle you, after a while Wanda ceases the illusion and lays her hands in her lap.

"Ok, that was cool." Wanda chuckles at your statement and stands. "Well after that whole ordeal on the roof I thought I should get some more training. But I have to say you kept me waiting for a while." Wanda says as she walks over to one of the dumbbell weights. Wait she was waiting for you? You follow her to the weights and watch as a dumbbell, usually reserved for Steve, lift up in the air surrounded by wisps of red. You look at Wanda and see her struggling, her face looks strained and her knees were buckling.

"I-I got it." Wanda says as she tries to straighten herself but you can clearly tell that she doesn't have it. The dumbbell shakes in the air as Wanda tries to stablize it but she can't .You move forward to catch her as she stumbles, and pulling her away from the falling dumbbell. It lands with a loud THUD that echoes around the room and you swear you could've heard a crack. You guide Wanda over to one of the benches and lay her down. You get up and walk over to the water dispenser, getting a plastic cup from the side and filling it up with cold water. You turn to look at Wanda who now has her hands under her head, her head turned to face you.

"Ya know you shouldn't try to lift heavy stuff like that." You say as you hand her the water, she smiles and nods her head. "Your acting like I didn't just help stop a robot invasion a month ago." Wanda states as she drinks her water, you scoff and look at the spot where Steve's dumbbell landed, even though the floor was padded you could see a small indent on it formed. "Do you think he'll notice?" Wanda asks you in a quiet voice. "Nah." You say all the while knowing Tony would definitely kill you if he found out.

"Well the good news is that you managed to lift a 80kg dumbbell." You say to Wanda, who has a stunned look on her face. She lays back down and looks at the ceiling, you smile at her bewilderment and grab her hand. You drag her over to one of the weight racks carrying some smaller weight and place her infront of them. 

"Ok you are gonna lift three of these," You say pointing to 2kg weights. "Two of these," You say as you carry two 3kg weights and place them in front of her. "And this." You say tapping a 5kg weight with your hand. Wanda is quiet for a moment before making a gesture with her hand a silent way of telling you to move aside, you nod and walk up a few spaces behind her just in case she looses her balance. You watch as Wanda lifts her arms, red wisps surround her hands and the weights, the weights lift up about 6 feet in the air before twirling around each other. Obviously this was taking a lot of energy out of Wanda, you could see she was struggling to keep the weight in the air for as long as possible.

You step forward and place a hand on her waist to stablelize her but you feel her tense up so you pull away, after a few seconds Wanda sets the weights gently on the floor and lets out a shuddered breath, sinking down to a sitting position. "That was amazing." You say gently to Wanda as you crouch down. Wanda looks at you with a glint in her eyes, you raise your eyebrow. "And what are you thinking about Miss Maximoff?" You ask amusingly.

"I have an idea."

*Smol timeskip*

"2.57, 2.58, 2.59, 3 minutes!" You cheer as Wanda lets the weights fall on the ground and sets you down gently on your feet. You chuckle as Wanda collapses in a starfish position on the ground. Sitting down next to her you playfully nudge her leg. "Well Miss Maximoff, you just beat your own personal record, but I may have something else in mind." Wanda lets out a groan and covers her face with her hands, you laugh and get up.

"Ok, ok, fine." You say with a pout. Wanda props herself up on her elbows and looks at you. "Fine, what's your plan?" Wanda asks, you smile to yourself and pull Wanda up to her feet. 

"Well you pretty much have magic packed down, but we need to work on your self-defense." Wanda tilts her head as you drag her over to the boxing mat. You position her in front of you and take your fighting stance opposite her. "I want you to copy this position, got it?" Wanda nods her head and copies you, you look at her stance. There was definite room for improvement.

You circled Wanda, looking her up and down as if you were looking for any types of weakness. You turn her body sideways and turn her torso towards you, you pull one of her hands up to her chin and the other one in front of her nose, you angle her head down so that she's looking at you and kick her legs apart. Once satisfied, you take you stance opposite her. "Put your chin near your shoulder and angle your front foot to me and the back foot sideways, bend your knees too, it'll help you balance." You say, waiting to make sure she's ready before talking again. "I want you to punch me." You say, Wanda looks at you confused.

"What? Y/N no."

"Y/N yes, c'mon I'll be fine." You say reassuring.

Wanda seems uneasy at first but then closes her eyes and throws a punch at you. You tilt your body back and grab her arm with one hand and push her back with the other, you were going to go on easy on her cause you didn't want her to get hurt. Wanda stumbles but regains her footing quickly and luges towards you, you bring your arms in front of your face to block her punch and drop down, sweeping your leg from underneath hers, knocking her down. So much for going easy.

 You help Wanda up and walk her over to one of the benches near the water dispenser and go to grab some ice from the mini freezer in the corner near the first aid kit. As you return you make sure to get Wanda another glass of water. You roll up Wandas short sleeve up to her shoulders and place the packet of ice on the forming bruise. You can see Wandas muscles flinch as you place the ice pack on her arm so you put a hand on her knee, you know as support. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to drop you like that." You mumble to Wanda under your breath.

"It's ok, I've had worse." Wanda says, whispering the last part. Crap. You could tell she was lying and you felt really bad for hurting her. You take the ice pack of Wandas arm and stand up, offering her your hand. She looks up at you puzzled. You sigh and grab both of her hand, pulling her up.

"C'mon, lets cheer you up."

...Im just ashamed of myself at this point, I leave for like a month and upload this shiat? Yeahhhhhh sorry about that but hey, it was my birthday a week ago!!! And school started back up...Yikes. Anyways don't forget to vote and comment, I hope you don't step on legos today, bye luvs <3

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