If only X

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"OWW!" You hiss as Wanda uses her magic to remove the tiny pieces of glass from your side. You shiver as Wanda removes a small piece. "I'm sorry, just try and stay still," Wanda says, her eyes concentrating on you as her hands move and twist in the air. "You still haven't told me what happened," Wanda says as she looked at you in the eye, her red magic still circling around your wound, you sigh and turn your head. Wanda had been slowly and carefully removing pieces of glass from your side since 5 am, it was now 8. What a way to start a morning.

"Well I got into a shooting match with someone and then I got thrown into a glass wall." You say as you smile at Wanda at she sighs and shakes her head, placing the small piece of glass in a bowl of water before wetting a cloth and putting it against your wound. You clench your eyes shut and inhale sharply, slightly pulling from Wanda. You reach over to Wanda's bedside table where she had a couple of painkillers alongside a glass of water she had gotten you, you grab the pills and chug them down with some water letting out a groan of relief as you feel the pain subduing.

"Hey watch it! You're only allowed to take two every five hours!" Wanda scolds you as she takes the glass from your hand and sets it back down on the table beside the bed. You sigh painfully as you lay back down and let Wanda take out the remaining pieces of glass. You really should've gone to the hospital. 

"Ok, this is the last piece so do not move," Wanda says to you, emphasizing the last three words. You close your eyes and hold your breath as you feel the warmth of her magic swirl around your wound, you knew the last piece was in there deep so this was definitely going to hurt. You bite your thumb as you feel the small piece of glass being removed slowly from your flesh, you feel Wanda's magic retreat your wound, leaving a tingling feeling behind as you hear it drop into the bowl of water. 

Wanda uses her magic to make a bottle of medical alcohol that she had stolen from Tony's lab and unscrews the lid, wetting a clean cloth and putting it straight to your wound. You cover your mouth to muffle the yelp of pain as Wanda presses the cloth against your skin and after a few painful seconds, she removes it and goes to reach into a drawer to get her roll of bandages. As you sit up you shiver as you feel a puff of cold air hit your exposed wound, since you were only left in your sports bra you were left completely exposed. Wanda lifts your arms up and tightly wraps the bandages around your waist.

"Thanks, Wanda, I would've literally been dead without you." You say jokingly as you help her to clean all the stuff of the bed but Wanda doesn't reply. You go into her bathroom and dump the bowl of hot water into her sink.

"Are you mad?" You call out to her from the bathroom as you wash your hands. Still no reply. You sigh and walk back into her bedroom to find her sitting cross-legged on her bed her back facing you. You walk up in front of her and kneel down so that you are at eye level with her.

"Why did you come to me?" Wanda asks in a low and quiet voice, you shiver as you hear her accent seep through. You pause, why was she angry that you came to her for help?

"I don't like hospitals." You whisper to Wanda as you gently put your hand on her knee.

"But why me? Why not Natasha or Sam?" She asks you, still not looking you in the eye. Natasha would scold you for being so stupid and Sam would probably be sleeping at that time of night.

"Well, you're the only magician I know." You say jokingly as you nudge her, hoping to at least earn a smile from her. Instead, Wanda turns her head from you. You sigh and get up.

"Look, I'm not bleeding, in pain, or dying so everything is fine, look." You say as you show your bandaged side, even though getting up did kind of hurt you were not going to tell Wanda. She looks up at you and sighs.

"I got scared when you came to me hurt, I thought you were gonna-" Wanda doesn't finish her sentence and instead looks back down. You feel stupid and guilty. What on earth were you thinking? Wanda had lost her brother and you show up with an injury just expecting her to fix it for you. "Hey, hey look I'm still here alive and well unfortunately, I'll be fine." You insist as you sit next to Wanda and put an arm around her shoulder, pulling her close as you rub her arm for comfort. You both stay like this for a while before Wanda whispers something to you.

"I hate it when people I care about get hurt." She looks you in the eye as she says that before hiding her face in the crook of your neck. You pause. Her brother, Pietro. You remember what Tony had told you about how he died by saving Clint and a young boy, he had sacrificed himself. You gently hold her hand.

"Well you don't have to worry about me, I swear." You say as you pull away, making her look you in the eye. Her eyes hold a sense of peace after you say that but are quickly glazed over with another emotion you can't quite pinpoint. At this moment you really get to take in the features of her face, her eyes always had this way of changing from a light hazel to a green in different lighting and you loved how her eyelashes framed her beautiful eyes and how her hair was always soft and smelled sweet. You start to see her eyes soften and you suddenly find yourself slowly leaning in, inch by inch before you and Wanda are only centimeters away. 

"Y/N," Wanda whispers to you, her breath tickling your cheek. You knew she was nervous and so were you, both your breathing was uneven and your palms were starting to sweat. Wanda starts to lean in as well and you feel your heartbeat quicken at the anticipation. But instead of a kiss, Wanda turns her head to the side, dodging you. You stop and pull back, removing your hand from hers. Wanda's shoulder droop a little and she turns her body away from you, you stare at the side of her head, not believing what happened. What did I do wrong?  You stand up and wipe your sweaty hands on your trousers.

"Uh Imma head out." You say as you try to hide your wavery voice by pulling out a fake yawn. You turn around just in time before a tear escapes your cheek, as you walk towards the door you hear Wanda shuffle around on the bed.

"Y/N wait-" Wanda starts but you quickly cut her off.

"Yeah well, I'm really tired right now, sorry." You say in a voice so blunt it almost scared you. You grab her door handle and quickly walk out of her room, wiping away a couple of stray tears that had escaped. You gasp as you feel a dull pain in your side and you lean against a wall, you look down and see that a patch of blood had started to leak through. Great now you felt pain in your heart and your side. Clutching your eyes closed you push yourself of the wall and make your way to the only person that knew how to help. Natasha.

CHAIIIIIIIIII! Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades gone! To be honest with my Autum tests coming up I have been forcefully dragged into studying and revising bc me don't wanna fail anything escpeciall math. Also I went to see Black Panther Wakanda forever and let me tell you I was a mess, fifteen seconds in and I was already crying! It was so beautiful and was a beautiful tribute to the wonderful actor Chadwick Boseman, may he forever rest in peace. Don't forget to comment and vote, bye luves <3

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