If ur sick vs when they are

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Finney when ur sick: medicine even if he had to shove it down ur throat and toast with water  cuddles and checking your temperature a lot

Finney when he is sick: just lets u take care of him kinda worries that he gonna die from it or something  wants tons of cuddles

Robin when ur sick: has his mom make soup warm/cold cloth on ur head doesn't know to much abt what to do

When he is sick: won't let u get near him bc he is scared u might get sick to, kinda Denys that he is sick but complains his stomach/head hurts

Bruce when ur sick: soup, blankets, using the thermometer a lot, ice back if u have a headache and tons of medicine

Bruce when he is sick: says he is well enough to go to baseball games but then gives in and let's u take care of him

Vance when ur sick: has no idea what to do doesn't even know ur sick

Vance when he is sick: tries to sneak away to his pin ball machine hates medicine so u have to shove it down his throat

Billy when ur sick: cuddles u, bucket by the bed, tells u to take warm baths/showers, tons of tissues and medicine

When he is sick: CUDDELS 24/7 cry's a bit when his head hurts and cry's when he throws up medicine 24/7 his mom helps u take care of him, and u make him soup a lot

Griffin when ur sick: kinda doesn't wanna also get sick but still cares for u, soup obsessive about your temperature warm/cold wash cloth

When he is sick: also doesn't wanna get u sick says he can take care of himself bucket by the bed and soup

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