Five - Movies Plus Friends Minus Family Equals Life

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In school the next day Lily was hit on the head by a piece of scrunched up paper in Calculus. It bounced off the top of her head and landed on her open textbook. She looked up, checking that her Math teacher was still reading the local sports page on his laptop. She silently unfolded the note,

Hey Lily,

Do you want to go out for coffee later?


She scrawled a reply.

Sorry, can't, making up for lost time with REJ.

Scrunching the paper up again, Lily realised that Jacob didn't understand REJ. She opened it up again and explained.

She threw it back to him. Unsurprisingly, her bad aim caused the note to hit Jacob's neighbour in the head. She cringed, flushed scarlet and gave him an apologetic smile. Jacob had been watching Lily and voiced her apology quietly.

As he read her note Jacob visibly deflated.

It's a shame really, but they seem like nice guys, have a great time. Maybe some time next week?



Lily wrote back. This time she fully concentrated on getting the note to hit Jacob's head. She aimed perfectly and the paper connected with the tip of his nose. Jacob jumped back in surprise, causing his chair to scrape back loudly against the floor, catching the attention of the teacher and the class.

"Jacob? Is there anything wrong?" A scarlet flush spread to Jacob's cheeks as the whole class' concentration switched from 'concentrating' on work to concentrating on Jacob's situation. He stammered out a response,

"Um... No, sir, I just... Um... Needed to get comfortable?" Lily tried to stifle a laugh but failed. She then decided to disguise it as a cough, but failed again. Jacob's head snapped round and he glared directly at Lily, "What's so funny?"

"Well, you just seemed very unsure of yourself. That's it," Lily said confidently and without hesitation.

"Well, class if you'll just pack up. I'll let you go early seeing as class is almost over. No homework." The class beamed collectively.

Lily shoved all her books into her bag hastily and made her way out desperate not to be late for her next class. Jacob tried to run after her but she'd already disappeared into the corridor crowds. A hand landed on his shoulder,

"Tough break, man. She was hot. How come I'd never noticed her before?"

"Thanks Josh," Jacob said to the boy at his shoulder.


"Movies plus friends minus family equals life!" Jazz yelled as soon as they got through her front door. She lived much closer to the City than the rest of them so any loud noises made by her family didn't disturb their neighbours as much. Which was useful because Jazz's sixteen year old brother liked to listen to hard-core heavy metal as loud as he could.

Eleanor's long blond hair whipped Lily right in the eye as she softly closed the door behind them. "Only two movies though. Remember, it's Senior Year, we want to get into good colleges right?"

"I suppose," the other three grumbled, "Trust Eleanor to be the only one with any sense. The rest of us are car-raze-ee!" Jazz yelled to her empty house again.

"So I brought Thor."

"I brought Thor Two! Twinsies!" Lily and Richard high-fived. The sound echoed through every empty room in the house.

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