They grow up fast-10

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I was going to do this a while ago but I needed to charge up for the amount of power I ha- I'm confusing myself it's 2 am I'll spill it

-5 years later-
(Your 12 now)
I woke up in a bed I made I was pretty good with wood work now and I was proud of it
"Ira! Come get food" I heard Phil yell from downstairs
"Coming!" I yell as I pull out an outfit that I would wear in certain day...but was that today I didn't know, after around 10 minutes I'm all changed and my hair is brushed
I was wearing black shorts that Phil found when looking at merchants stands and a top that was to big for me so I cut it in half and now it fits be pretty well, Phil also got that for me
And boots that are identical to the ones that I hand when I was littler just bigger and the jacket Phil made me I slipped it on and headed downstairs greeted by a warm sent of eggs and toast
"This smells so good" I said as I toke a toast and Phil put an egg on top reminding me it's hot which I nod and blow on it then take a bite enjoying the perfect taste of the mix
"Where tech" I asked grabbed one of my ponytail, I left on the counter last night
"Farming" he said as he started eating himself I nodded and pointed to the door my mouth to fu,l of the food to talk he nods understanding my request
I headed outside and went to the wood pile finishing my food and brushing the crumbs off tying my hair in a pony tail as I start to make random stuff
"Hey kiddo" I heard a familiar voice say behind me
"Hello techie" I said turning to face him as he ruffles my head with his free hand messing up my hair pulling out the tiny hairs that were just making it into my ponytail
"You prick" I said as I toke out my hair and out it back up
"Where did you learn that language" he said as he used his hand to hold the basket off food
"The disk part 1 and 2 there in my room" I said as I got back to work he nods and walks back I yawn as I walk over to the bridge after we added more floors we never finished this I got an idea and started skinning the wood and chopping it cared not to cut myself
After around an hour maybe more I got a good pile I bring them over to the bridge and start adding onto it making sure it's stable following the pattern he was doing before soon enough I finished I knew when to stop because I found an old blue print in a crevice of one of the wood pieces
I roll it back up and tuck it back careful not to rip it I look back and see I missed a spot so I grab a piece of wood cut it down to size and pop it in using nails to hold it in place I step back and climb up to top jumping to make sure it's safe I walk around before two hands wrap around my waist and pull me down, I scream not a murdering scream but a scared shocked scream
"It's not safe" an all to familiar voice of techno said as he set me down
"I finished it, it is safe I already tested it" I said leaned on it
"Really we haven't been working on in.." he started to talk as he starting counted in his head
"5" I said he looked at me and smiles
"5" he said showing that I was right and heading inside, after a while techno kinds lost himself he would barely be at the house and he never did show me how to plant potatoes which is what you expect but I never thought from him I wait till he walks away before I go towards the forest, last year they out up fences for mobs to stay out but I could easily jump so i worked my way over making sure my foot prints were visible I hop the fence and start walking
"I wonder why they haven't taken me out here yet" I said as I lace myself through the trees not tripping on anything as I do so
I started humming a tune techno always used to get me to sleep i dance around as I hum putting my arms tot he side straight out as I turn on my feet and lift one up I keep doing this till I see I reached the end of the forest I look and see the sun slowly setting I look back and see someone with a lantern walk around I figure it's techno so I walk up to them
"Hey" I said as I expect them more they turned around and they were wearing...eye covers? Something that it so it was black and over there eyes and I couldn't see there eyes I backed p as they put the lantern close to my face to see m
"Wrong person sorry" I said as I started walking back
"Who's she" I heard someone said they had a smooth British accent it was calming yet laced with venom as I started to walk faster I heard footsteps behind me so I started running I did some weird turns just to throw them off then I remembered that old trick Phil taught me and techno taught be basic hand fighting so I was fine
I slowed down I turned around faced with a tall with fluffy brown hair and a suit that looked like a kid would wear then circle glasses
"Hey" I said as I raise my hand he nodded as I lowered them putting them into the pockets of my coat
"I haven't seen you around" he said
"Haven't been around"
"Where you from"
"Depends, what's it to ya"
"What's your name"
"What's yours"
"Wilbur Soot"
"Where you from"
"Nice try but I used to have a friend would do that exact same trick on me"
"What friend maybe I seen them wandering"
"Phil, or philza"
"I haven't heard of him now my caretakers to waiting for me to get come I'll have to dip"
After I finished I tried turning around before another voice spoke up
"I'm Eret, I was wondering who you mistake me for" he sounded genuinely questioning
"Just an old friend" i answering walking away not hearing any other foot prints, by now it's closer to sun down and I'm not home yet. I didn't want my little adventure to end up like this so I started running towards home I easily jumped the fence and went inside banging snow off of my boots and my jacket hanging it up
"Welcome back" I heard a a stern voice that belonged to techno
"Yeah, thanks" I said starting to go up stairs"
"Iratie, get down here" I turned around and went downstairs meet faced with him and Phil standing in the kitchen
"Where were you" did he really have to ask that
"Uh" I knew what it was I just didn't know how to word it
"Don't lie" Phil said crossing his arms
"I went out exploring" I said fidgeting with the bottom of my shorts which the jacket was added onto so it was longer so it not as cold
"It's sun down! You could of gotten hurt" techno said point out the window behind him showing there's no longer light then looking over at the clock I glanced my vision over it had around 3 pixels left till sun down
" yes I know I won't do it again" and with that I went upstairs I changed into my pyjamas and put my dirty clothes in a bucket so I can clean it later
I lay down on my bed and take out my hair setting my ponytail on the night stand I made I relaxed as I heard a knock
"Come in" I said as I sat up, techno came in and sat in the end of my bed
"You been acting weird lately what's wrong" he asked placing a hand on my ankle showing that I can trust him
"Nothing, I'm fine"
"No your not"
"Yes I am, I'm very tired" I said as I lay back down
"We'll talk tomorrow" he said standing up and leaving closin the door I just hope they before tomorrow he forgets somehow
I good out my window till I saw the pretty colour of the sun rise before I feel asleep dosing off to a dreamless dream

It's 3am my device is die-ing and I'm watching Ranboo playing..last...survivor? forget the name but I'll edit it in (life is strange before the storm nearly done episode 2) and this chapter has the same mood

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