𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟸 || 𝚃𝚠𝚘 𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚔𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

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It had been two weeks since his rejection, and Jake had finally wizzed his way through the five stages of grief.

The crispy late autumn air had managed to stay soft over the past through days, so the walk to school wasn't ridiculously unbearable for the guy who could not tolerate the cold no matter where he lived and what the weather it faced was.

It hadn't been the easiest thing to get over a life long crush rejecting you, but it was slightly easier knowing they could still be friends.

However, he hadn't exactly told the music club about it. He wasn't sure about how they'd react, especially with the factor that Jake had asked her out right after the competition.

Jake made his way through the crowds of students hovering around the outside the school. Nothing interesting was supposed to happen today. He may as well get through the day mindlessly.


Stacy sassily walked through the corridor. Although the girl knew she lacked friends — meaning she only had a few — she decided to make her attitude positive.

Besides, every day could be a good one! She just had to make it count!

In reality, she knew she was only doing this as a coping mechanism to hide the fact she was the most unknown girl in rose meadow high, no matter how much of a stretch it may of seemed.

You see, Stacy wasn't exactly a well known student. She was a huge goody-two-shoes but didn't really contribute enough to be a beloved figure in any of her classes.

But still, the navy-blue haired girl decided that maybe, just maybe, if she acted like she was popular, then maybe she'd become popular.

It was a long shot and she knew it. But determination could solve anything, right?

Well it'd only take a couple of minutes to find out regardless of the result. If someone — anybody — noticed her in registration, she would be on a winning streak.


It took a couple of minutes of just wandering mindlessly before Jake found where his homies where waiting for him.

Despite his goal to be more positive and listen more to his friends so they could indirectly help him move on, it wasn't reassuring that Liam and Henry were arguing about who the hottest character in anime history was.

"Morning guys" Jake said in a positive tone, trying to hide every inch of negativity building up through his veins.

"Hey Jake." Drew replied, seemingly fed up with the other two — as usual. The other two glanced over, said hi and went back to narrowing down characters.

There was a bit of an awkward silence in the middle that was quickly taken away by the bell. Every lesson until lunch had been like a walking and writing simulator.

Jake felt like he'd been working on auto-pilot. He'd go to write something and he'd forget he'd done more of that ten minutes later, only to open his book and find it full of pages of words.

That's probably why he couldn't remember anything significant. The blonde boy didn't remember what he'd done during lessons and hardly remembered what lessons he'd had.

Even during club time — which was probably his favourite time of the day — he remembered hardly anything.

It all just felt like one, big blur to the boy. Something he was doing but he wasn't. To put it simply, the day just kept dragging on.

Well, that was until Jake felt something on his head as he tripped backwards. The panic brought him back to the present as he looked up to see a girl with navy blue hair surrounded by books.


[654 words]

A/N: [My apologies for the two week break and short chapter. To be honest I had it planned for this chapter to be short but it still ended up having less words than expected. Anyway, thanks for reading!]

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