𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟹 || 𝙷𝚎𝚛

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A copy of William Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet lay next to her foot and she quickly reached out to grab the rest of her books.

"I-I'm so s-sorry." She stuttered while picking up books and positioning them into a tight grip. The girl looked at the person before her's facial expression, hoping he wasn't mad.

"No it's okay." The blonde haired boy gave her the books he'd managed to pick up before grabbing the ones she clearly couldn't hold without dropping.

Stacy smiled to herself, glad she hadn't irritated the boy in front of her. She didn't recognise him — not more than just some classmate anyway.

Eventually, and by that I mean a few seconds, the girl came to the conclusion that he must've been in her year but in non of her classes. It made enough sense to her.

"D-do you mind helping me carry these to room A — twenty-seven?" She asked. "S-sure. I don't mind." The unknown boy replied.

As they walked through a couple of corridors, Stacy decided she may as well know the name of the person she was walking with. I mean, you have to know a persons name to genuinely thank them.

"So w-what's your name?" She asked, attempting not to stutter through her words. "Jake, Jake Sterling." He replied. The navy haired girl couldn't help but think that name sounded slightly familiar, but she shrugged it off. Every name sounds familiar.


The walk to the classroom was basically what Jake expected it to be like. Just two teens making small talk while trying to get past the crowds of people so they could reach their final destination.

Despite that, the walk felt like a breath of fresh air for the boy. He didn't feel like he had to pretend he was fully over some girl or have a competition brought up to him every other second.

Although he'd decided to stay in the club during the last two weeks, he didn't want to bring up the Daisy situation or talk about the competition.

He felt slightly guilty for not wanting to tell his closest friends something but he was scared of their reactions when he'd tell him that he asked her out right after the competition.

"So.." Stacy went to begin a conversation, despite making it very obvious that she didn't know what she wanted to talk about.

"Do you have a crush or a date or s-something?" He should've expected for this question to come up. It's all that any high school student and sometime even middle school students talk about.

But he didn't want to answer this. It must of been incredibly obvious because Stacy seemed to be able to read it right of the boys face.

"I'm sorry for bringing that up.." "No no no it's okay." Jake replied, trying to act like he wasn't secretly happy that she was okay with not mentioning his love life.

"If you just got rejected or something, don't worry. You do get over it." He looked at the girl before him. Her response had caught him off guard.

"How did you—" Jake stopped mid-sentence, realising that if he continued he'd probably spilled the whole situation out his mouth.

"You have a similar sad face to the one I had a few weeks ago.." Once again, her response caught him off guard.

"Y-you got rejected?" He asked. "I-I mean you don't have to answer that.. if you don't w-want to!!" He quickly attempted to correct himself with.

"N-no it's fine.." Stacy took a breath of school corridor air before responding to him. Jake noticed that they were nearing the classroom. Just when the small talk was no longer small.

"So a couple of weeks ago I asked out this guy. I'd secretly been crushing on him for a couple of months prior.." The blonde haired boy noticed a faint smile appear on her face, only for it to disappear moments later as she began explaining the events of her rejection.

"Anyway I finally managed to talk to him but of course the only six-teen year old girl at rose meadow high who's never had a relationship before should've thought through the inevitable."

It was something in those words Jake recognised. Not as his own thoughts in anyway but the circumstance felt like one he had seen with his own two eyes.

"So I decided 'hey in the movies they kiss and get together' and out of immediate reaction might've.. done.. just.. that.."

That's when it hit him. Jake recognised Stacy from that day three or four weeks ago when Luke had been kissed by some girl right before he confessed to Zander.

However, he didn't even consider bringing up that fact. He knew from personal experience that bringing up that there was even a possibility a crush or even ex-crush of yours liked or was dating someone else was practically heart breaking.

"I bet it must've been hard.. you know.." She looked at the boy with that same soft smile she'd had for the entire time they'd been talking.

"Yeah it was at first. At one point I'd even thought I'd gotten over it and went to a big event relating to him. But when I saw him in the spotlight it just.."

The smile had became lost as she looked down at the floor. "You okay?" Jake asked. "Yeah. I'm okay."

"You do get over it." She lifted her head up. "Everyone who goes through a break up does."

The two noticed they were at the room they were looking for. They placed the books inside and were thanked by the teacher before leaving again.

"Can I ask you something?" "Uh sure?" Jake replied, quite confused about the timing.

"Why did you help me?" The blonde haired boy had to take a minute to think about his answer. "I just needed a break from today. And besides, it was actually better helping you than I thought it'd be!"

"You know.. if we I mean you want, do wanna hang out at mine later??" She asked nervously. "Sure!"

The peachy-blonde haired boy smiled as he walked off down the corridor to his lesson.


Stacy smiled to herself for the umpteenth time today. Only this time, it was pointless thoughts she was smiling at.

Something about Jake was calming in a way she couldn't quite understand. It was nothing like the way she had felt around any of her past crushes but it felt better.

Every moment she felt standing outside the English room looking at him gave her a weird sense of comfort.

But who knows...

Maybe she was actually moving on?


[1157 words]

[A/N]: [Thanks for reading chapter 3 of can't handle rejection. I love how this turned out and I hope you did too! Stay tuned for future chapters. Love you all </3]

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