𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟶𝟺 || 𝙼𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚗

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Stacy sat in her room. Her bed was made yet slightly ruined since she'd been rolling on it for a couple of minutes now.

She was sat with her PlayStation infront of her, switching between games as she awaited her friends arrival.

Part of her had expected Jake to be the late type. By that, she thought it was going to be ten minutes or so after the time she had asked him to arrive before he was even on her street.

However, that turned out not to be the case, as the peach haired boy arrived only 3 minutes late (which Stacy hadn't even realised until she checked her phone).

When she heard the knock, the girl immediately headed downstairs, opening the door and smiling when she saw the boy in-front of her.

It had been locked into her mind since lunch that she really wanted to get to know him, however since then she still hadn't been able to discover if this was in a platonic way or a romantic way.

"Hey Stacy." He said as she moved out of the way as an indicator that she wanted him to head inside. He smiled softly as he walked in her house.

"Hi!" She replied positively. Her friend smiled at her. "So what are we going to do?" Jake asked. "Follow me and you'll find out."

She ran up the stairs in-front of the two and Jake followed after. Stacy lead him to a room with LEDs glowing blue.

The room had a bed in one corner with Galaxy coloured sheet and cushions. There was a closet in the other.

Next to the closet, there was a window draped in black curtains. She had a desk on the opposite side of the room — which was one of those fold up desks that could practically disappear.

Above that, were posters for bands and artists that — for the most part — Jake didn't even recognise. He did know one was little mix though.

There was also ones for movies and shows such as stranger things and heartbreak high. In the middle of that wall was a PlayStation and to the right was a door.

She clicked exit on the remote controlling her PlayStation and got off the came that Jake assumed she had been playing prior to his arrival.

They both walked over to the bed and took a seat. "You want to play something?" Stacy asked, trying not to stutter. "Sure!"


The two had been playing some battle game that Jake couldn't remember the name of for the last ten to fifteen minutes.

It was quite easy for the boy to get his head around controls and how to play. However, it was not easy for him to beat Stacy.

She wasn't amazing at the game; far from unbeatable actually. But even when Jake would try to beat her when she was 'going easy' he still found it difficult for some reason.

Luckily for him, every round he was getting better, even if he was loosing basically every time.

Eventually, he had managed to win a round of the game. Barely, but he did regardless. "Congratulations Jake!"

"Th-thank you." He said, getting a little flustered. His cheek immediately returned to their original colour when he realised that he hadn't gotten that flustered by anyone other than Daisy.

He had tried his hardest to move on from Daisy and he had but his mind hadn't. Well it had moved on from the girl but not from rejection.

CAN'T HANDLE REJECTION ; jacyWhere stories live. Discover now