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I woke up once again by the blinding light of the sun. I went to the bathroom and on the mirror was a small piece of paper. I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and pulled the paper of the mirror. In Nialls hand writing was a little note.

Finn, meet me out back. ASAP! Don't wear good clothes. Trust me.

I went and changed into a ratty old t shirt and some old shorts. After getting ready I headed to the back door.

I stepped out into the backyard. I felt something hit my back hard. I turned around to see Niall holding a water balloon full of paint. "Niall!" I screamed. He smirked. Yellow paint dropped down my back and onto the grass.

"Whatcha gonna do about it sweetheart?" He teased. I spotted another bucket full of some of the balloons. I dodged the next one he threw at me and grabbed the bucket and threw one a Niall hitting him right in the chest. Pink paint was all over his front side. I doubled over in laughter.

"N-Niall that's a good color on you!" I choked out through my laughter.


After our little fight we went down to the lake to get washed off. As we walked Niall snuck his hand into mine intertwining out fingers. Sparks flew through my body. I loved this feeling. Safe, sound, perfect. My hand fit perfectly in his. But I knew this would make the good bye harder. I pulled myself closer to him. Who cared about me moving, right now I wanted to be with him and him only.

When we arrived at the lake I jumped in and was followed by Niall. We splashed around for a little while then hopped out. I sat in the grass and let the sun dry me. Niall followed my action. "Niall?" I asked softly.

"Yea?" Suddenly I got that kick in the gut, the ball in your throat, the terrible urge to cry.

"I-I'm-" I sighed. "Ugh this is so hard." I hung my head low only for it to be lifted by a finger. Suddenly I was staring at the blue eyes that belonged to my Niall.

"What, babe? Are you ok Finn?"

"No." I choked out. He pulled me into a big hug. He started rubbing my back. I let it all go. I just bawled.

"Memphis whats wrong?" I knew he wanted to cry too. He hated to see me hurt and I hated to see him hurt. I shook my head.

"Can we talk about it later?" I continued to cry. "I just wanna be here with you right now. I just need your hug."

"I'm here baby girl. Shhh." He comforted me enough that I wasn't sobbing anymore. Still, tears rolled down my face. "What's ever got you like this, we will fix. It's gonna be ok." He wiped my tears with his thumb. He pulled me back to him and we stayed in each other's arms. Perfect.

Hours went by as we just sat there in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, a comfortable, understood silence. "Niall, I'm moving." Wow go me I ruined it. It just rolled off my tongue and there was no stopping it.

"What?" He pulled me from the hug and held my arms looking me in the eye.

"I'm moving. I'm moving." I started to cry again.

"Oh my." He said. But that's all he said. He just pulled me to him again. That's when I knew it hit him, his body shook and he too started crying. Together we sat there and cried.

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