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I fell back down on the couch. He was singing our song. So sick by ne-yo. "Gotta change my answering machine, Now that I'm alone...." He sang. I stared intently at the screen. I started to sing along softly. He was cut off by Simon. They talked. Then they have their opinions. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I jumped to my feet but fell back on the couch. I had to be careful because of my knee.

"Kristin go get my phone now." I demanded. I was happy, sad, confused, angry and surprised at the same time. Why wouldn't he tell me? But he got all yes' I'm so happy for him. But I'm so mad. Kristin hurried down the stairs with my gripped in her hand. She handed it to me and I dialed Nialls number. It rang and rang. Finally he answered.

"Ello?" He spoke.

"Hey Ni!" I sounded as cheerfully as possible. I was faking it though.

"Oh hey Memphis." He sounded bored and tired.

"Memphis?" I laughed dryly. "When did it become Memphis?"

"Oh I don't know. We just haven't talked in forever so, I don't know."

"Well if your not busy we should skype or something."

"I'm studying for finals. I can't right now. Maybe later." My heart dropped through the earth to China.

"Niall. Why are you lying?" I started to get more ugly with my tone.

"I'm not. I'm at home."

"Niall! I just saw you on the freaking X-factor! Why are you lying?! Why are you shutting my out?!"


"I don't want to hear it. Your such a prick!" I hung up and fell down face first on the other end of the couch. I started to full on cry. Kristin just sat next to me.

"Finn? I'm gonna get Dane and Dawson. (Dawson's my "brother" it's not biological) You could use some best guy friend and brotherly help."

"Don't call me Finn. I hate that nickname. My name is Memphis."

"Oh ok. I'll be back." She scurried away to the kitchen phone. I reached for my wrist and unclasped my bracelet and threw it on the floor. I hollered to Kristin.

"Kristin don't call them I just need alone time ok? Wait don't you have a concert for Bowen today?" She looked at me wide eyed.

"Oh crap I totally forgot! Ok take care I have to leave." She rushed out the door and I limped up the stairs. I climbed on my bed. I tore down every picture of me and Niall. I threw them all in a medium sized box. I put my bracelet and his hoodie in there. I also added anything left of me and him. I even threw in the clothes that reminded me of him. I slid the box under the bed. I took down the framed picture of me and him and put it in my bed side table drawer. The very bottom one in the back. I slowly walked to the dresser and opened the drawer full of beauty junk. I slowly pulled out my hair dye that I used to dye my hair dark red. I walked to the bathroom and went to work.

When I finished my hair was a darkened red. I mean a DARK red. Almost like blood. I slowly climbed into my bed and thought about what is to lie ahead of the new me.

I woke up by the blaring radio on my alarm clock. "Are they the new upcoming boyband?" The man rambled. I clicked the snooze and hopped out of bed. I trudged to the bathroom and brushed my braces cover teeth. I put my contacts in and out my glasses in their case on the sink side. I brushed out my hair and put it in a messy side ponytail. I didn't apply make up. I never do. I ran to my closet and pulled out some gray sweat pants and a 'New York 84' red and white long sleeve shirt. I pulled on my fluffy gray boots. I got out a white scarf and a gray beanie. I got my phone and headed out the door grabbing my keys on the way. I jumped into my black Ford Fusion and drove to school.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey baby. Just telling you that your brother and sister are staying at Taylor's because I have another late shift." it was my mom.

"Yea ok." I hung up the phone and slid it in my purse continuing to drive. I pulled up to the school and hopped out. I walked to my locker and turned the knob. 2 hands came and covered my eyes. "Hey! Quit it!"

"Guess who?" A husky voice asked.

"Um, Dane?"

"Ugh how'd you know?" He took his hands form my eyes and I turned around to look at him. He did his hot hair flip thingy. We've been friends since I moved. Yes we had a rough patch but we actually became closer. It's really weird. (A/N: I will get in that soon. It comes later on the story.)

"Well first off, you don't hide your voice well. And second off, you do that every time you know I'm upset." I giggled.

"Well you don't seem too upset now but I see your hair is darker. I know you do that when you think about you know who."

"Shut up ok? That's really killing me. I need to move on."

"Ok Memphis. But hey meet me at lunch ok? We need to talk." I nodded and he walked off. I continued at my locker then headed to 1st period. I stepped in the class room and walked up to my teacher.

"Mr. Bowen?"

"Yes Memphis." He was busy looking at his IPad.

"I was wondering when we did the all state try outs for chorus?" He looked up at me.

"When did you become intrested in all state?"

"Well Kristin said it was for choir too and I really need to get my career set for after high school. I want to be an actor but need a singing career for a back up."

"Ah I see well I'll put you on the list. Now go get in your seat so we can start." I walked to my seat and sat down.

After 1st I slowly walked down the hall to second. I walked over to Kristin who was at her locker. Some girls next to them wear chatting away. "Did you hear about the new band? They want to name it One Direction! It has so many hot guys in it!" One girl giggled. I ignored it.

"Kristin, you got any candy? Gum even? I really need something to eat. I forgot breakfast."

"Nope. Sorry." She pulled out her clarinet case and shut her locker. "So rumors going around Dane wants to ask you out." she wiggled her eyebrows. I groaned.

"Is that starting up again. I thought people moved on! And who told them I liked him again!"

"Calm down. This is for real." and she walked off to 2nd.

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