❝ i fell for her beauty ❞

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walking through the halls at school, trying to get by everyone to at least make it to class on time, playing his favourite songs through his AirPods he ignores everyone. 'When's this day gonna be over' he thinks to himself, getting increasingly infuriated at the group of girls walking extremely slow in front of him. "Are you fucking serious, can these cunts walk any faster?!?" He mumbles under his breath, clenching his fists, he eventually pushes past them, making it to his final class for the day. Sitting down in his assigned seat, he awaits his tablemates as he makes it to class early for once, "You're early" The teacher says, slightly impressed. He rolls his eyes "Yeah yeah, whatever you say."  He smiles, she was definitely his favourite teacher.

As the classroom finally fills with students, the teacher can begin the lesson, his second favourite class; Zoology (second to P.E), he takes his AirPods out to listen to the teacher babble on about some animals going extinct, he really sympathizes with them, he wishes he could do something. As the class goes on, everyone gets restless as the day is nearing an end, with it being Friday too the students are rowdier. "Class please quiet down, I have an announcement." The teacher calls out, and everyone gets significantly quieter; "You all have got a new assignment to start, you must pair up with someone sitting at another table, once you have done that I will hand out the animals each pair will be working with." 

Naturally, everyone migrates to their friends, everyone but Australia. Despite being the most educated on this topic, no one wants to be with him, he's alone yet again. As he was sitting there, hoping the teacher will let him do this assignment on his own, he heard a familiar voice; Japan. What is she doing over here, why does she want to...team up with me? "Australia! Do you wanna be partners!?" She says in her overly energetic voice. "Um..sure? I don't see why not." I look down, a little flustered that one of the most popular girls in school wants to partner up with me. "Yay!! This is gonna be so much fun!"

Finally, the day ends, and Australia walks out of the school, waiting for his brothers. After about 10 minutes of waiting; America and New Zealand come out, NZ with tears in their eyes and America with a bloody nose. He runs over to his siblings, frantically asking "What the fuck happened?? You guys ok?" New Zealand looks up at Australia with tears in his eyes and engulfs him in a hug. "He's fine, some dumb fuck was just bullying them, I stepped in but got caught in the crossfire." America recounts with a shrug, "Shit well I'm glad you're both ok, we should probably head home now, ma's probably worried" Aussie picks up NZ, giving them a piggyback all the way home.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BOYS BEEN? I WAS WORRIED SICK!" France screams out as soon as the front door opens, the boys could barely even step inside before getting lectured about staying out late, especially after school. "Sorry, Mom, NZ was in trouble, I went to save them," America said before anyone else could butt in, NZ was hiding behind Aus, "Oh my goodness, my poor baby," France calls out, running over to NZ, pulling them into a big hug as Aus and Ame walk into the kitchen to get some food. "What do you want mate?" Aus says, looking through the pantry for food, "I think ill have some chips, thanks." America sits down at the table, scrolling through his phone.

Australia prepares him and Ame some hot chips, leaning against the counter, awaiting the ding from the microwave. "Aus, there's someone at the door for you" France calls out, Australia shoves his phone into his pocket, taking out the chips. He walks towards the front door, opening it to see...Japan? "Hey!" She exclaims, "Oh, hey, what are you doing here..?" He asks, "I realised I never got your number, I thought id come over and ask you for it!" She smiles innocently, "oh yeah sure." He pulls out his phone, handing it over to her for her to put the number in. "Awesome! Thanks, bye Aussie!!" She runs off, he waves her goodbye and blushes.

"Someone's innnloooovee~"  America teases, eating his chips. "Shut the fuck up." Australia, looks away, walking up the stairs to his room, throwing himself onto his bed. 'am I really...in love with her..? No definitely not, she's just another girl who'll end up breaking my heart'  He thinks to himself, smothering himself with his pillow, pulling his pillow off his face he stares up at the ceiling, frowning, furrowing his eyebrows. He hears someone knocking on his door "Come in" He grumbles out, awaiting their entrance.

"Hey big bro," NZ says, sitting on the edge of the bed "Hey," Aus says, looking over at his sibling, "So um...I saw you interact with Japan, when did that friendship start?" NZ asks, smiling, happy their brother has finally got someone he cares about other than his family. "O-oh um, it's really nothing, she's just my partner for a project, there's really nothing to it" He raises his hands up, looking away, blushing, "NOTHING TO IT?? YOU'RE INTERACTING WITH ONE OF THE MOST POPULAR GIRLS IN SCHOOL" NZ screams out, they did have a point though, Japan was one of the most popular girls in their school.

"I-its just for an assignment mate, there's really nothing to it, now get out of my room!" He covers his face, pushing New Zealand out of his room who is making obnoxiously loud kissing noises. He smiles to himself, face heating up at the thought of partnering up with Japan, she really was beautiful.

"Fuck, I am in love with her."

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