19.)Car wash?

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Its been a week since we went ice skating. Everythings been just fine. I caught up a bit with Jack. Turns out that girl was seeing someone else and was too drunk to remember anything about Jack. It was the annual car wash at campus today and Me Jack, Sam and my new boyfriend Finn volenteered to help. I got dressed in jeans and an old sweater i had and my old white converses. We all headed over there joking around.

"Okay students" one of the teacher aids started" You will all be in groups of 4, the team that has washed the most cars wins a gift card to Chez Whitney" everyone yelled in exitment "Okay go!" the woman yelled and we all went to our stations and tried to looer cars to our station. We finally got one to come to us and immediatly started. I was finished and went to collect the money as the car pulled out and looked over at Jack and Sam playing with the rags. "I got an idea" i whispered to myself. I went over to the hose and sprayed them with the icy water. They both stopped and turned to me soaking wet.

Sam ran over to me and embraced me in a hug.

"Noo! Sam its cold!" i squealed and he ran off. I turned to Jack and he had a mischivious grin on his face. Ibegan to run. But he caught me by the waist and swung me around. I was laughing and still trying to get away from him. He took a sponge and squeezed out the soap onto my hair.

"Jack!' i yelled and he put me down. I crossed my arms jokingly and glared at him. Sam then ran up and threw a bucket of water at me. i began to laugh as they ran away. I took the hose again and sprayed them.

"okay okay truce!" Sam pleaded

i laughed "fine, but i think someone is still dry' i said looking over at Finn on his phone. He looked up and noticed what we were talking about. He set down his phone and put his arms up signaling surrender already. Sam took a bottle of soap and squirted it at him. Jack threw wet rags at him while i sprayed him with water. We were all laughing. and i held my stomach since it hurt so much. The teacher looked over at us and glared then turned back around. Which only made us laugh harder.

Finn came over and squeezed me tight against his chest and kissed my head.

"You taste like soap" he said and smiled

i laughed and my stomach grumbled. He cuckled "Hungry?"

"A little, ill go pick up a pizza for us be back in a bit' i said and he let go

"okay but maybe you should change first' he said and i giggled and procedded to my dorm room

I walked into the room and saw Gabby kissing another guy.

"What the hell?!" i screamed and they both pulled away "uhm...uh maybe i should go" the boy said

i stood there stunned as the guy pushed past me. I looked back at Gabby she swallowed

"please dont tell Sam" she started

i pushed past her and began rummaging through my drawers and pulled on a loose cardigan

"why shouldnt i?" i snapped

"please " she pleade as i went into my closet and changed my jeans and slipped on vans

"My brother deserves better than a slut that cheats on him while he does volenteer work" i said and stopped infront of her. she didnt say anything. I swallowed standing my ground and push past her hitting her with my shoulder on my way out. I slammed the door closed and walked out of the building.

i was walking to dominoes when a car pulled up and was driving slow next to me. i looked at it strange, it looked familiar. i ignored it and pushed the door open and stepped in, the car drove off.

"what would you like?" the man said

"uhm just a large cheese pizza with uhm 3 sprites' i said

'okay that will be 18.50" he said and i handed him a 20 "keep the change" i said

i grabbed the pizza and drinks and left. while i was walking on the deserted streets i saw the same silver car turn the corner

"Katherine!'' i heard a man yell. i turned around and saw him. Mason. my ex boyfriend, the one who use to abuse me in the car. We started dating in high school but senior year he began to get rough and mean. A couple monthes later I finally got the courage to dump him and he didn't like it that when we moved and my parents, well ya know. I loved him but i was happy to move on. i began to run i dropped the pizza. He sped up and caught up with me. l turned into an alley and pressed my back against the wall hiding behind the dumpster..

"Katherine. i know your there" i heard Mason say, i held my breath and squeezed my eyes shut i heard nothing

"Found you!" I heard him yelled and he tossed me over his shoulder and began to walk. "Let me go!" I yelled pounding my fist into his back

He plopped me in his car and shut the door. "Mason let me out!" I yelled again. He climbed in and smashed his lips on mine. I squealed on his mouth. He kissed me harder and ran his fingers through my hair. I slapped him and he pulled away. He smirked

"C'mon" he said

"I'm not going anywhere with you let me out" I said jiggling the doorknob even though it wasn't budging

"No I've spent all this time trying to find you an now I've got you" he said and stepped on the gas leaving the little city.

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