Random Thing I'm doing For no reason

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Me: Let's just hope this goes well.
Clear: Not like last time.
Me: Sweatdrops Yeah....Sorry Aboa for umm hitting you with a frying pan.
Aboa: Its ok.
Me: Good. Now
Noiz: Why are we asking questions.
Me: Because it will be fun.
Noiz: Tch.
Me: Besides I'm not going to hit u guys with a frying pan.
Trip: Good.
Me: Instead Holds up a paint ball gun I'm going to hit you guys with this.
Virus: Why?
Me: If you guys be mean to me, Call me names, and Other stuff. I will hit you with it. Except for Clear.
Aboa: -_- Why not clear.
Me: Because he's adorable.
Clear: Aww thx.
Me: Your welcome

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