Class D's Curse

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-What is bad? - Whatever springs from weakness

-Friedrich Nietsche - The Antichrist

The only thing they saw where happy tennagers who are talking to eachother with a smile on there face. It didnt looked like they had any acadamical skills or where special in anything they were just kids. Maybe they tought so because there childhood was diffrent then others. The whole Atmosphere, the whole presence in the air was diffrent it was warm, lovely and kinda good. But for them it was really was really diffrent....not like the white room.

They stood outside the room for 5 Minutes with chocked eyes. The other Students noticed it and looked at them with a weird face.

It was silent....

Really silent....

Then a girl with long blond hair, blue eyes and a beautyfull face breaked the silents.

???: Is everything allright? You wanna come in? you weirdos

Anano: oh....sorry

The three of them walked to the tabels with there Name on it. They knew the Students are still looking at them.

Anano in mind: Do i have something on my face?

Aiyone in mind: I know that i am beautyfull but that is not a point that they can look at me all the time

Kiyotaka in mind: Dont look at me like that. I am your future King and all of you will only be my slaves. My Brother will be the Archduke and my Warlord. My sister is already beautyfull but then she will be the beautyfull Princess of Class D. But if you have luck one of  you shall be my Maiden. The blond girl is really interesing but at first i will punish her for her uncivilised words. This stupid whore shall know her place. Her place will be under king Kiyotaka, Archduke and warlord Anano and under Princess Aiyone.

The Three of them are sitting next to eachother.

Kiyotaka Aiyone Anano

And Anano is sitting next to....

???: What a unpleasend coincidens.

Anano blushed instantly but it was to weak to see. Still Kiyotaka and Aiyone noticed it.

Aiyone punched him in the face

Anano: Go fuck yourself

Aiyone: Go fuck the blackhaired girl next to you

???: What?!

Anano: What?
Anano: Anyways what is your Name?

Instead of answering the question she just read her book.

The Name is.....The laws of human Natur

Anano: It would be cool if you answer

No answer

Aiyone is gigling behind him

Anano: Okey I am Anano Ayanokoji and you are?


???:Man you are getting on my nerves.... I am Horikita....Suzune Horikita

Anano, Aiyone and Kiyotaka: Nice to meet you Horikita

Horikita: Nice to meet you too I guess

Then the door opend and a women in her mid 20th enterd the room. Her Hair was brown and was bond to a Ponytail.
Her Hips where big and she had also a beautyfull face.

In an instant the Class was focused on her.

???: Sit down Class Homeroom is starting.

The Class instantly sat Down

(I hate my english skills)

Chabishara: My Name is Sae Chabishara and I am your Homeroom teacher usually i am a Japanese History teacher but for the next three years i will be your teacher in Every theme.

Kiyotaka in mind: She is really interresting...she has a really dominant aura I think Anano is enjoying this

He looked at Anano but he was not interrestad in her maybe she was a little to old for him.

Chabishara Sensei Talked about the school rules and about the S-Systen Bla bla bla we all know that already....

Chabiahara: So do you have any Questions? You can ask what you want.

Everyone was silent....

Chabishara: So when there are no questions i can..

Kiyotaka: Excuse me

Everyone looked at Kiyotaka

Kiyotaka: You said you already decidet our worth did you do it with the CCTV Camera up there?

Everyone looked shocked at him and then at the camera

A girl with shoulder long blond hair said: I didnt even saw this camera

Chabishara had a little smile on her face

"We mean" Anano said "The Word worth can be understand very diffrent, you see there are 4 diffrent classes
Class A
Class B
Class C
Class D
Is this not kinda suspicues? I mean why do we needet to do a test to Enter the school I could understand it when people who are not that good needet to do a test and you want to give them a Chance but everyone needet to.
Me and my family where holding back because we hate trouble.
Now we see a CCTV Camera hidden at the back of the Class for what? So you can see that someone is cheating? I dont Think so you could have easily placed the Camera at the front so everyone sees it and doesnt want to cheat. And now we have have the S-System.
A System that gives you 100.00 yen per month and you can buy Whatever you want. Do you really think the state of Japan has the resources for this or this school will give you the money and you can relax your life? No the school wants something from you and that is to be good in everything. That means the test was not just a test it was the paper that Shows the teachers if you are a pawn or a king and i think We are the pawns. Class D is the worse Class so we are getting the lowest Number of yen which means everyone of you is going to Suffer. So my question is Chabishara sensei am I right?

Chabishara Sensei had a big smile on her face

Kiyotaka in mind: As expectet

Chabishara: Well I cant answer the question

Aiyone: You said we can buy everything

Chabishara: Yes

Aiyone: Can we buy the answers

Ever Student (expect Horikita and koenji): WHAT!!!

Even Chabishara was shocked because the three Students had outplayed the S System

In the Moment she wanted to respond the school Bang rang

Chabishara: I need to go now I have a teacher conference

Anano: Fuck this shit

Kiyotaka: But her reaction said everything

Many Students were going to the Cafeteria to eat something not taking the questions to serious.

Anano in mind: This is clearly Class D's Curse

- Katen kyokutsu

So how was it?

This is by far the longest and best chapter I ever written this is going to be a banger.

I wanted that Kiyotaka is diffrent then in the LN more dominant more like Johan liebert.

I think that was a good first taste of there abillitys.

Hope you enjoyed it:)

- Katen kyokutsu

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